
Scientists unravel mysterious origin of Stonehenge altar stone

Scientists unravel mysterious origin of Stonehenge altar stone

Researchers at Curtin University have traced the origin of the Stonehenge altar stone back to Scotland, disproving previous assumptions that it came from Wales. By analyzing the mineral grains in the stone, they were able to demonstrate highly developed transport and social structures from the Neolithic period. The stone was probably transported over 750 kilometers […]

Kevin Holten: Life is not about

Kevin Holten: Life is not about

Have you mastered life yet? I ask this because when I was younger I apparently had the wrong idea that as you get older you understand life and it becomes much easier. I now realize that the Master’s degree in life that I thought I would have earned by now doesn’t exist, and that life […]

Record-breaking mantle rock extraction could redefine Earth’s history

Record-breaking mantle rock extraction could redefine Earth’s history

Scientists’ groundbreaking recovery of mantle rock provides new insights into Earth’s volcanic activity, elemental cycles and possibly the origin of life, and represents a significant advance in geoscience. An international team has begun studying the role of the Earth’s mantle in supporting life on Earth, driving volcanism and influencing global cycles. Scientists have successfully recovered […]

Epic drilling mission sets new record with 4,160-foot mantle core

Epic drilling mission sets new record with 4,160-foot mantle core

Rocks on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean hold many secrets that could help scientists understand our planet and the origins of life on it. That’s why a group of researchers has undertaken a difficult task: They dug a hole more than three-quarters of a mile deep and extracted a record core of rock from […]