
Half a billion children suffer from extreme heat twice as often as their grandparents

Half a billion children suffer from extreme heat twice as often as their grandparents

While the earth is getting warmer, almost half a billion children worldwide live in regions where there are at least twice as many extremely hot days as there were in their grandparents’ time. This is the result of a new study by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The results underline the rapid increase in […]

Almost half a billion children live in areas where there are at least twice as many extremely hot days as their grandparents.

Almost half a billion children live in areas where there are at least twice as many extremely hot days as their grandparents.

In CanadaChildren are more frequently exposed to extremely hot temperatures Eight countries, including Mali, Niger, Senegal, South Sudan And Sudanare home to children who are exposed to temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius / 95 degrees Fahrenheit for more than half the year NEW YORK And TORONTO, 13 August 2024 /CNW/ – One in five children […]