
World News Day: Join in – because journalism matters

World News Day: Join in – because journalism matters

Designed by David WalmsleyEditor-in-chief of the Globe and Mail, World News Day is carried out jointly by Canadian Journalism Foundation And WAN-IFRA’S World Editors Forum. More than 500 newsrooms around the world supported our last campaign. Journalism today is struggling to maintain its credibility, and for a frightening number of news organizations, daily existence is […]

Global news media launch “Choose the Truth” campaign for World News Day.

World News Day: Join in – because journalism matters

This year the co-organizers are Canadian Journalism Foundation (CJF) and that World Editors Forumthe network for editors within the World Association of News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) have joined forces with Daily Maverick to unveil an impactful 2024 campaign that news organizations can share with their audiences in the days leading up to September 28. Choose the […]