
How to optimize your day through smarter planning

How to optimize your day through smarter planning

Do you struggle to stay alert and focused throughout the workday? Do you find yourself absent for long stretches of time or resorting to caffeine to get you through until 5 p.m.? According to a new book, it’s not you, but your schedule that’s to blame. In Hyperefficient: Optimize your brain to change the way […]

Scientists discover how cocaine makes the brain feel good – breakthrough could lead to new treatments for drug abuse

Scientists discover how cocaine makes the brain feel good – breakthrough could lead to new treatments for drug abuse

Cocaine blocks the dopamine transporter, resulting in unregulated dopamine levels that cause the brain to perceive all experiences as pleasurable. Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have used the world’s most powerful microscope to discover how cocaine binds to the transporter, which could pave the way for treating cocaine addiction. A new study shows how […]

World’s first rapid TBI blood test unveiled at Orlando Health

World’s first rapid TBI blood test unveiled at Orlando Health

Orlando Health Orlando Regional Medical Center (ORMC) is the first hospital in the world to use a new, groundbreaking blood test to evaluate patients with suspected mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) or concussions. The rapid TBI blood test provides results in as little as 15 minutes and was developed by Abbott in collaboration with the […]