
Picasso and Kelly among the newly acquired works of art at Buffalo AKG

Picasso and Kelly among the newly acquired works of art at Buffalo AKG

In the Hemicycle Gallery of the Buffalo AKG Art Museum, an emerald and white painting by Ellsworth Kelly, three black-and-white prints by Pablo Picasso and a wall-mounted mobile sculpture by Alexander Calder join works by Lee Krasner, Brice Marden and John McLaughlin, all acquired since May of last year. The dozen artworks add to the […]

Dr. Becky launches The Good Inside app to help busy parents

Dr. Becky launches The Good Inside app to help busy parents

Ask any number of moms and they can probably tell you about a time when a little encouragement gave them the strength they needed to keep going in a particularly difficult situation. A knowing smile and eye roll from another mom when your kid is having a meltdown in the frozen food section; a sympathetic […]