
The automation of life will be the next major paradigm shift

The automation of life will be the next major paradigm shift

Are you ready to let your computer plan your schedule? In The Drum’s Consumer Technology Focus Week, Merkle’s Courtney Trudea explains how AI could soon plan our appointments, make our coffee and make important decisions for us. The advent of generative AI has catapulted us into a new technological era. With it comes an influx […]

Writing science fiction is harder than ever

Writing science fiction is harder than ever

James Cameron believes that writing science fiction is more difficult than ever due to ever-advancing technology. James Cameron has always been at the cutting edge of technology in the film industry. His ideas have also proven to be a barometer of where our future will go, especially in the field of science fiction with films […]

Video game artists want to protect their work

Video game artists want to protect their work

LOS ANGELES — For hours, motion sensors strapped to Noshir Dalal’s body tracked his movements as he performed air punches, overhead strikes and one-handed attacks that would later appear in a video game. Eventually, he swung the sledgehammer in his hand so often that he tore a tendon in his forearm. By the end of […]

AI search engine startup Perplexity enters the advertising business

AI search engine startup Perplexity enters the advertising business

Helplessness AIa billion-dollar artificial intelligence search startup, is reportedly preparing to monetize its platform through Show in the fourth quarter. This move comes as AI-powered search engines increasingly impact e-commerce, potentially changing the way consumers discover products and companies allocate their marketing budgets in the digital marketplace. The startup’s entry into advertising was followed by […]

Nearly half of Americans think we should be polite to AI

Nearly half of Americans think we should be polite to AI

Does AI deserve to be treated politely? 48 percent of Americans think so, and Generation Z is the nicest to robots. And manners might matter, as four in ten Americans (39%) believe that our past behavior toward artificial intelligence, Alexa, Siri, and all robots will one day be taken into account in some way. A […]

China invests heavily in Samsung and SK Hynix in the first half of the year due to fears of US sanctions

China invests heavily in Samsung and SK Hynix in the first half of the year due to fears of US sanctions

China has significantly increased imports of South Korean chips in the first half of 2024, according to data from Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix, the two memory chip giants. Samsung reported an 82 percent year-on-year increase in China sales to 32.35 trillion won ($24.1 billion) in the first six months of the year, according to […]

Epic Systems introduces AI tools to manage your health

Epic Systems introduces AI tools to manage your health

Epic Systems Corp. is integrating artificial intelligence into its software at a dizzying pace and has around 100 projects under its belt designed to optimize healthcare for patients and doctors. In the future, MyChart, Epic’s popular patient portal, could help patients manage their overall health or send them personalized health reminders. The company is even […]

The scientific influences in Michael Crichton’s work: From medicine to dinosaurs

The scientific influences in Michael Crichton’s work: From medicine to dinosaurs

The scientific influences in Michael Crichton’s work: From medicine to dinosaurs Michael Crichtonthe master of the techno-thriller, left an indelible mark on the literary world with his unique blend of science and storytelling. Crichton’s medical background and deep interest in science shaped his writing, allowing him to create narratives that are not only entertaining but […]

Epic Systems introduces AI tools to manage your health

Epic Systems introduces AI tools to manage your health

Epic Systems Corp. is integrating artificial intelligence into its software at a dizzying pace and has around 100 projects under its belt designed to optimize healthcare for patients and doctors. In the future, MyChart, Epic’s popular patient portal, could help patients manage their overall health or send them personalized health reminders. The company is even […]

Epic Systems introduces AI tools to manage your health

Epic Systems introduces AI tools to manage your health

Epic Systems Corp. is integrating artificial intelligence into its software at a dizzying pace and has around 100 projects under its belt designed to optimize healthcare for patients and doctors. In the future, MyChart, Epic’s popular patient portal, could help patients manage their overall health or send them personalized health reminders. The company is even […]