
“The Door Between Us” by Mieko Kawakami

“The Door Between Us” by Mieko Kawakami

This is the sixth story in this summer’s online flash fiction series. Read the entire series and our flash fiction from previous years here. My apartment is in an old wooden building that was built who knows how many years ago. It’s just one floor with two separate units next to each other, sandwiched between […]

Would you like to live in the Walter French school building? CAHP has a registration list

Would you like to live in the Walter French school building? CAHP has a registration list

LANSING – Would you like to live in the former but newly renovated Walter French School building, which is about to celebrate its 100th anniversary? The Capital Area Housing Partnership, which is redeveloping the Cedar Street building, maintains an official waiting list for those who want to live in the historic junior high school, which […]