
Charleston County Schools approves African American Studies program

Charleston County Schools approves African American Studies program

CHARLESTON COUNTY, SC (WCSC) – The Charleston County School Board has voted to approve an honors course in African-American studies after the state voted to eliminate it. The Charleston County School District Board of Directors voted Thursday to approve the locally designed elective course “African American Studies.” The curriculum would be structured as an honors […]

Kimball Community Hosts Dismukes Day Celebration

Kimball Community Hosts Dismukes Day Celebration

KIMBALL, W.Va. (WVVA) – Starting in 2022, August 16 will be celebrated as Dismukes Day in the city of Kimball. Dr. Henry Dodford Dismukes opened Henrietta Dismukes Hospital in Kimball in 1929. It was considered the largest privately run African-American hospital at the time. “August 16 is the day he opened his hospital, so every […]