
EPG continues CARICOM good offices function in Haiti

EPG continues CARICOM good offices function in Haiti

The three former Prime Ministers appointed by the Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) to carry out the Community’s good offices function in Haiti continue to do so while the Transitional Presidential Council (TPC) and the Interim Prime Minister are in office. The Eminent Person Group (EPG), comprised of former Prime Ministers Dr. […]

Life-size portraits of deceased relatives are a growing trend

Life-size portraits of deceased relatives are a growing trend

Driving past Annotto Bay Cemetery in St. Mary, Jamaica, you may notice a unique and touching sight: life-sized cutouts of the deceased placed next to their graves. This growing trend is designed to help families find burial sites more easily while keeping the memory of their loved ones alive. A unique way to remember Life-sized […]