
Starfield DLC should include something that the base game only experimented with marginally

Starfield DLC should include something that the base game only experimented with marginally


  • Starfield
    Space battles weren’t given enough focus in the base game, but that could change with post-launch DLC.
  • The current shipping fleet system in
    could use an overhaul to allow for larger battles.
  • Introducing multiplayer aspects through spaceship battles could bring a new level of engagement and teamwork among players.

Starfield has captured the imagination of gamers with its intergalactic exploration and investigation of deep questions about science and spirituality. It’s a title that has taken years to develop, and while it’s not perfect, it represents another successful release from Bethesda. One of the most exciting parts of the game is the space battles.

Unfortunately, there are not too many of them in Starfieldand when they do appear, it’s usually a small affair. Future games in the series should capitalize more on space battles between spaceships, as they provide a source of delicious action. This can be achieved by improving various aspects of space combat.


Starfield’s planets are best when they break the game’s core loop

Starfield is a game of spectacular scale, even though almost all of its best moments are limited to just a handful of planets.

Starfield’s space battles have a lot of potential

Spaceship battles are an integral part of the science fiction genre and are guaranteed not to be neglected in the game. Starfield‘s space battle system can be a bit complicated at first, but the game does a good job of introducing players to the combat mechanics. Once players get the hang of it, space battles are fun and exciting.

The big problem is that there simply aren’t enough space battles, which makes flying through the cosmos a boring, lonely experience. Moreover, space battles are mostly small brawls with only a few Starfield Spaceships that get destroyed pretty quickly, especially if you have a good spaceship.

Starfield needs more story-driven space battles

One way Bethesda can fix this is by developing storylines that focus on space battles. As players explore the world of Starfieldthey will find that there are different factions that offer different storylines with different focuses. For example, the Crimson Fleet focuses on the life of a space pirate, while the Freestar Collective gives players the feeling of being a space cowboy.

Likewise, there should be a faction questline that focuses on space battles, making them as big and spectacular as possible. The best faction for this would be House Va’Ruun, whose members are fascinated by the concept of grav jumping. Going into large battles as a member of House Va’Ruun or against the faction would provide some of the most exciting moments in the game.

Starfield could overtake the ship fleet system

Currently Starfield Ship battles require players to fight against multiple enemies on their own. This is not a problem if a player’s ship is combat-ready enough, but it can result in players being overwhelmed by enemies quite quickly. To counteract this, players should be able to take on enemies in fleets of ships. Companions could pilot the other starships and strategize with players to take out enemies, forcing players to own multiple starships and experiment with how different ships can work together effectively.

Spaceship battles could be a window for multiplayer gameplay

The settlement systems are huge and it can get lonely to explore them on your own, even when you are commanding a spaceship full of NPC companions. This could change when future Starfield Titles or updates introduce multiplayer aspects and spaceship battles could be the best way to do this.

It would be great fun to have players work together to fight enemy spaceships. It would encourage players to consider their companions when designing their ships and think of ways to take advantage of the strengths and weaknesses of different ship designs. At the end of a fierce battle, players could share the spoils, giving them an incentive to work together.

Bethesda doesn’t have to wait for a sequel to make changes to the spaceship combat system. These changes could be introduced in DLCs like the upcoming Shattered Space expansion. It’s obvious that there’s still a lot of potential for Starfield to grow with future updates, and the spaceship battles are an aspect that Bethesda should not overlook.

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