
Some Sangamon County residents call for reforms at County Board meeting

Some Sangamon County residents call for reforms at County Board meeting

The Sangamon County Board meets for the first time since the arrest of Sean Grayson and the announcement of Sheriff Jack Campbell’s resignation.

Two to three dozen people spoke during the public hearing, and several said that even though Sheriff Jack Campbell announced his resignation last week, they still wanted to see changes in the law enforcement system following the death of Sonya Massey.

These include more rigorous background checks on deputies by the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office, more mental health professionals accompanying deputies on first response calls, and an independent investigation of the Sheriff’s Office into the hiring of Sean Grayson.

Democratic County Board member Sam Cahnman introduced a resolution that would add to the county ballot in 2024 whether Sangamon County voters should have the ability to recall local elected officials. If a majority of voters say YES, they could hold a recall election.

The Sangamon County Board did not put the resolution to a vote. Chairman Andy Van Meter, a Republican, told me he questioned the legality of the resolution, saying Cahnman did not bring the proposal to the public’s attention in time for it to be reviewed and voted on.

We will have more information tomorrow regarding Tuesday’s County Board meeting.

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