
She managed to hide the spices while infiltrating the jungle camp.

She managed to hide the spices while infiltrating the jungle camp.

– She managed to hide the spices while infiltrating the jungle camp.

Giulia Siegel (49) feels responsible for the food in the current legends edition of the jungle camp (RTL+ and broadcast the following day at 8:15 p.m. on RTL). She is reluctant to share the cookware with her fellow competitors. The 49-year-old has even smuggled her personal spices into the camp in South Africa. Siegel explained her tactics in an Instagram video. “I feel like a drug dealer from some show right now,” admits the DJ in the clip, which was filmed before the season was broadcast.

She has placed small packets next to her, like those used by drug dealers. She stuffs spices, one gram each, into these packets and then hides them in her backpack. To do this, she opens the seams of the luggage, hides the contraband inside and sews them back up. This is how she manages to smuggle in spices such as chili, oregano, stock cubes and various types of salt such as Himalayan or herbal salt, and even tomato and mozzarella seasoning.

Giulia Siegel outwits the rangers with this trick, but the cameras catch the violation of the rules. However, this act of disregard has not resulted in any consequences so far. However, further violations of the rules by Siegel could lead to sanctions. For example, she shares her smuggled luxury items with Georgina Fleur (34), sprinkles baby powder into her fellow campaigner’s hair as dry shampoo and shares her cigarettes with her campmates, which also violates the rules.

Not the only one who breaks the rules

Giulia Siegel is not the only participant who smuggled items into the all-star special of “I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here!” Winfried Glatzeder (79) also smuggled three matches and a matchstick, which he stuck between his legs with a plaster, into the camp.

The intimate area was also used by Gigi Birofio (25) for smuggling. During the obligatory search, the rangers found two packs of cigarettes in his underwear. However, the clumsily hidden packs only served as a diversion. Because the IBES runner-up 2023 had hidden even more cigarettes deeper. “What? In your um?” asked Kader Loth (51) incredulously.

Giulia Siegel’s clever content strategy for RTL+ consists of using small packets reminiscent of those used by drug dealers and hiding her smuggled spices in them. (From the original text)

Similarly, candidate Gigi Birofio attempted to smuggle cigarettes into the camp by hiding them in an unconventional location during a mandatory search. (Related to the topic of rule violations and smuggling)

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