
SBU extends campus life time to Monday and Wednesday

SBU extends campus life time to Monday and Wednesday

An additional $100,000 in increased funds will be awarded to clubs and organizations

SBU extends campus life time to Monday and WednesdayAs mental, emotional and physical health remains a top priority for students, Stony Brook University has expanded its Campus Life Time. What was previously held every Wednesday from 12:30 to 1:50 p.m. will now also be offered on Mondays at the same time.

Campus Life Time is a weekly tradition that dates back to 1991. There are tons of activities like carnivals, concerts, student exhibits, live entertainment, celebrity speakers, free food, and giveaways. It offers students a chance to connect with friends, something many college students are taking seriously post-pandemic. It also helps Stony Brook’s commuter students get involved in the campus community without having to add extra time to an already long day.

“We are excited to expand Campus Life Time,” said Rick Gatteau, vice president for student affairs. “We find this is a crucial time for students to connect, get involved, learn new things and feel a part of our campus community. It has become a very special tradition for us.”

In addition to increasing Campus Life Time, Stony Brook University has allocated an additional $100,000 in funding for clubs and organizations this year. This new funding is intended to encourage student clubs and organizations to host more events and programs on evenings and weekends.

“Getting involved on campus is an important part of your Stony Brook experience because it not only allows you to meet new friends, but also explore your interests, enhance your resume, and develop important leadership skills,” Gatteau added. And with more than 400 clubs and organizations, there really is something for everyone—even the Cat lovers.

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