
Sanpete County residents prepare for more rain as they clean up after Sunday’s storm

Sanpete County residents prepare for more rain as they clean up after Sunday’s storm

The town of Fountain Green in Sanpete County was hit by heavy rains on Sunday that were heavy enough to damage homes and flood basements.

Although the storm has passed for now, there are still concerns about future rain.

For Robyn Cox and her family, the cleanup after the storm has begun.

“When it came, it came fast,” Cox said.

Some estimates suggest three inches of liquid will be spilled in about an hour, which would ultimately be enough to fill Cox’s basement to the ceiling.

“It was literally like a river flowing through our house,” she said.

Many people in the city feel the same way.

“I’ve marked damaged homes,” said City Councilwoman Alyson Aagard Strait, pointing to a map of the city that she had marked with a red pen. “And these homes are the ones we know are severely damaged.”

On Monday, people from the community came together to fill sandbags and place them in front of the damaged houses.


Before people had even finished cleaning up after Sunday’s storm, it started pouring again on Monday. They fear that it could happen again if the storm does not stop.

But before the downpour hit everyone, people like Aagard Strait were busy loading and unloading sandbags to protect damaged homes from the heavy rain.

“We need at least 18 here,” she told the crowd as she loaded a quad bike.

“There were citizens who reached out to us and said, ‘I need help.’ And citizens who reached out to us and asked, ‘Where can I help?'” she said.

People stayed after the sun went down and filled the sandbags.

They worked all day to prepare for all weather conditions.


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