
Roof problems lead to spontaneous relocation of some students in Monongalia County

Roof problems lead to spontaneous relocation of some students in Monongalia County

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. – Sixth graders at Suncrest Middle School Annex will have to move to a new home at the start of the school year due to recently discovered roof problems.

Donna Talerico

When the 10-year-old roof was examined, it was discovered that a leak had developed some time ago, which was hidden by water absorbed by the foam insulation. Upon inspecting the building, engineers told school officials and Assistant Principal Donna Talerico that the building was not safe to occupy.

“We have to think about: How do we get our students there safely? How do we get them there safely? How do we get lunch safely?” Talerico told board members. “It’s a long list of things.”

After looking at several locations, the former Mylan site, now home to WVU Innovation Corporation, was quickly chosen. The school has almost everything sixth graders need except windows. But its proximity to North Elementary School gives students a playground and a short walk to get some fresh air.

Headteacher Dawna Hicks said the process had been difficult, but meeting with families in person had given everyone involved confidence that the move would be organized, enjoyable and safe.

“I call this Suncrest Middle 2.0, a temporary relocation,” Hicks said. “So everything we do now at Suncrest Middle School will be subject to the same system and processes that we will have at this temporary location.”

Monongalia County Schools plans to lease nine classrooms, three office spaces, a staff restroom and separate bathrooms for boys and girls. The facility will have 24-hour security, and although meals will not be hot, they will be brought to the former cafeteria for students and staff.

Students will be bused to Suncrest Middle School as usual on the first day of school next Tuesday and will then take shuttles to the Chestnut Ridge Road location. During the first few days of the temporary adjustment, teachers will bus students from Suncrest Middle School and Chestnut Ridge Road.

“Buses can drive through,” said Amanda Washington, director of facilities for Monongalia County Schools. “If you’re a visitor, you’ll be directed to a small parking lot and then go into the main lobby. There’s someone there.”

Teacher desks and equipment are being moved to the new location and teachers are preparing for the start of the school year. Hicks said they want to give teachers time to get organized and invite parents to an open house in late August.

“We will also make sure our teachers have enough time to set up these classrooms,” Hicks said. “To make them inviting and welcoming before we host an open house for parents.”

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