
Robin F. Williams explores gender and horror in Good Mourning at PPOW Gallery

Robin F. Williams explores gender and horror in Good Mourning at PPOW Gallery

Renowned artist Robin F. Williams returns with her fifth solo exhibition, Good griefat PPOW Gallery in New York City, September 6 through October 26, 2024. Known for her vibrant explorations of gender, advertising, and pop culture, Williams continues to push the boundaries of contemporary art with this latest collection. Drawing on cinematic influences, Good grief examines how films, especially horror films, shape collective memory and social norms.

Cinema and the female stereotype

In Good griefWilliams focuses her attention on the recurring portrayals of women in classic horror and psychological thrillers such as Carrie, Suspicious, Ganja & HessAnd The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. In a series of horror-inspired gouaches, she highlights familiar tropes and focuses on visual moments like loud screams and figures peeking from behind doorframes. Borrowed from B-slashers and thrillers, these images are reimagined through Williams’ lens, adding new layers of meaning to the representation of women in film and beyond.

Williams’ approach to these works is deeply rooted in what might be called “fan fiction,” in which she reinterprets and reinvents familiar cinematic moments, breathing new life into them. In doing so, Williams invites viewers to question the roles assigned to women in these narratives, which often vacillate between villain, victim, and savior.

Narrative and historical influences

Beyond film, Williams’ large-scale oil paintings explore the complex intersection of gender and power. In these works, women are depicted in critical moments of revelation or vulnerability, in which they hold their own destinies in their hands. The narratives in these paintings are not linear, but reflect a larger commentary on the fleeting nature of history and memory.

Curator Sarah Berenz comments on this narrative fluidity: “Like art history, Williams’ timeline is not linear, but progresses, borrows, blends, and folds back on itself to progress and reinvent itself once again.” This approach is reflected in the historical references that run throughout the exhibition. With allusions to iconic works such as Ana Mendieta’s groundbreaking works and Édouard Manet’s The execution of Emperor MaximilianWilliams draws connections between the past and the present and offers alternative perspectives on these established narratives.

Information on the publication of the monograph and the exhibition

At the same time as the exhibition, Williams is also publishing her first monograph, Robin F. Williams: We have been expecting youThis book offers a comprehensive overview of her work and provides insights into her artistic development and the themes that have shaped her work.

Good grief will be on view at PPOW Gallery from September 6 to October 26, 2024. This exhibition offers a comprehensive exploration of gender, media, and the stories that continue to shape contemporary culture.

Visit the PPOW Gallery between September 6 and October 26, 2024 and experience Good grief first hand. Learn more about Robin F. Williams’ impressive work and discover the publication of her monograph, We have been expecting youFor more information, see the PPOW Gallery.

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