
Review: SiR’s “Life Is Good Tour” is |

Review: SiR’s “Life Is Good Tour” is |

Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Basically, Top Dawg Entertainment has secretly fought for a top position in R&B music. Between SZA’s dominance in the charts and Mister‘S The label has undeniable influence, boasting the best draft picks in both the men’s and women’s divisions. With a healthy handful of culturally acclaimed works, the latter comfortably holds his place. Unfortunately, that ease hasn’t carried over into his personal life.

On his latest album DifficultSiR revealed the years of stress he had been silently battling in his mental, physical and romantic life. Almost five years after his debut as a headliner in the district, on July 28th as part of the Life is Good TourSiR returned to Brooklyn a different person, but with the same attitude – family comes first. With his brother Davion Farris (himself a well-known singer and songwriter) and labelmate and collaborator Zacari as the official opening acts, he was surrounded by them. But that wasn’t all, the sold-out crowd at the Brooklyn Paramount served as a surrogate family to eagerly celebrate SiR’s intense period of transformation.

SiR’s motto of “family first” cannot be downplayed. His loyalty to those who support him is evident, coupled with the great appreciation SiR showed on the venue’s legendary stage. Upon closer inspection, however, SiR’s Life is Good Tour is about none other than himself, and rightly so. Although SiR certainly packed his setlist with his fans’ favorites, his decorum, simple stage design, and sentimental performance showed that he was doing everything he could to find himself again.

Before SiR’s performance pilgrimage of self-discovery, Zacari had a transformative moment of his own. Known for his brilliant songwriting for others, Zacari longs for a path to superstardom for himself. Although he shines in the booth, Zacari seemed intimidated by his admirers at the beginning of his performance. A softer singer, Zacari was lost in the roaring crowd. Despite this, he managed to hold his own as both a vocalist and instrumentalist. By the time he closed with “Love.”, his collaboration with Kendrick Lamar, concertgoers were eating out of his hands. Zacari has an artist’s fire within him that is ready to burn brightly, it just needs a little more nurturing.

Surrounded by burning red stage lights, SiR began his set with his cult classic “John Redcorn”. At first, one is surprised by the decision. But at the same time, one cannot help but be fascinated by the bold step, because this tour is all about his latest album, Difficultnot 2019 In search of summer. However, when SiR started going through other favorites from this work as well as tracks from 2017, you too and 2018 Novemberit became clear what he was doing. SiR wanted to quickly bring his hypnotized audience to the current version of himself. So when he entered the stage with DifficultThe records’ messages were much stronger on “Six Whole Days,” “No Evil,” and “You.” Skeptics of the album are forced to put their prejudices to rest. As a result, the online discourse about what is SiR’s best album to date has been thrown out the window.

Difficult is a project that confidently stands on its own, because you cannot compare apples with oranges. The same applies to the Summer Forever Tour And Life is Good Tour. From stage decoration to lighting to online marketing, Summer Forever Tour was a conceptual experience. Many fans have lost themselves in the branding of this era and are trying to force SiR’s return to that time. While the Life is Good Tour is not about flashy gimmicks, but about emphasizing the art. The empty stage, hidden band, and simple electronic display showing the song lyrics intentionally drew attention back to the man responsible for bringing everyone together – SiR. Although there were a few moments where production errors could have caused problems (room acoustic issues, microphone feedback, and in-ear issues), SiR didn’t let that stop them.

Much like the album it supports, this tour demands your full attention or you’ll miss the message. SiR’s Life is Good Tour is about embracing the newly healed version of himself without being of any use to his fans, but most importantly, his family, who are important in every way. Now that the foundation has been restored, fans are eagerly awaiting the release of the family album.

Want more from SiR? Connect with him on your favorite social media platforms including TikTok, Instagram, ÞjórsárdalurAnd on facebook..

The latest album from SiR, Difficultis available for purchase here or to stream on your favorite music platforms, including Spotify, Apple MusicAnd tide.


  1. “John Redcorn” – Translation
  2. “You can’t save me”
  3. “Dream of me”
  4. “The Screen”
  5. “Mood”
  6. “Six whole days”
  7. “Nothing bad”
  8. “You”
  9. “Something Foreign” Acapella (requested by fans)
  10. “That’s why I love you” (requested by fans)
  11. “Ricky’s Song”
  12. “I do my best”
  13. “Just a Human” (Part I)
  14. “Oh, close, close”
  15. “Fire”
  16. “Just a Human” (Part II)
  17. “Satisfaction”
  18. “The recipe”
  19. “Poetry in Motion”
  20. “Nothing is important”
  21. “Hair open”
  22. “D’Evils” (The Evil Ones)


  1. “Something new”
  2. “Life is beautiful”

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