
Results: The Breck Epic 2024

Results: The Breck Epic 2024

Competitors could finally shake off their race hangovers on the Tuesday after the 2024 Breck Epic. This year marked the 16th edition of the six-day stage race in Colorado, where around 500 riders tackled 220 miles of singletrack in Summit County, climbing nearly 35,000 feet in elevation.

While race organizer Mike “Mike Mac” McCormack always gives riders an unforgettable experience, this year there were some exciting new additions. Particularly noteworthy is the new “Breck Epic Women’s Tour” initiative, which brought 60 women into the professional field this year. Kaysee Armstrong from Juliana, overall winner, stood on the podium along with Ellen Campbell and Stella Hobbs.

McCormack also offered a wild new challenge at the Breck Epic this year. The “Mega Epic” required competitors to complete all six stages of the Breck Epic back-to-back (one after the other). Unsurprisingly, not many riders took on the challenge, but those who did deserve major praise. 22-year-old Chase Caughley completed the course in 30 hours and 32 minutes with support, while Yuki Ikeda completed it unsupported in 49 hours and 35 minutes.

The men’s pro race featured a fierce battle between Paris Olympian Riley Amos, Rio Olympian Howard Grotts and Robbie Day of the Bear National Team. Grotts crashed just a mile from the finish line on the final day and suffered life-threatening injuries that required a helicopter ride to a Denver hospital. The entire men’s field stopped to help and later decided to neutralize the day’s result. Grotts was the overall winner of the race.

Overall results:

Elite Women:

1. Kaysee Armstrong: 20:19:12
2nd place. Ellan Campbell: 20:27:01
3rd place. Stella Hobbs: 20:40:08

Elite Men (after level 6 is neutralized):

1. Howard Grotts: 13:37:43
2nd place. Zach Calton: 13:59:39
3rd place. Robbie Day: 14:12:20

The full results can be found here.

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