
Rescued tiger cubs find a new life in South Africa!

Rescued tiger cubs find a new life in South Africa!

Two tiger cubs, Snow and Sky, rescued from cruel captivity in Slovakia, have found a new life full of hope and freedom in the South African big cat sanctuary LIONSROCK.

Bethlehem, South Africa (19 August 2024) – South Africa has become a sanctuary for big cats that have been subjected to unimaginable cruelty and harsh living conditions around the world. In a world where these majestic creatures are all too often subjected to abuse, illegal trafficking and exploitation, places like LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary are a haven of hope and healing. Here, animals once deprived of their natural habitat are given a second chance at life under the African sun.

In an encouraging development, global animal welfare organisation FOUR PAWS has successfully transferred two young tiger cubs, Snow and Sky, from Slovakia to the LIONSROCK big cat sanctuary. These cubs were victims of illegal captivity in Slovakia, where they were separated from their mother at a young age and kept in cruel conditions. In mid-April, they were seized by local authorities and temporarily housed at Bojnice Zoo before embarking on a 13,000-kilometre journey to their new home in South Africa.

The arrival of Snow and Sky in LIONSROCK marks the beginning of a new chapter for these one-year-old tigers.

Rescued tiger cubs find a new life in South Africa!
Bojnice, Slovakia | 13.08.2024 | FP transfer mission: Transfer of the tiger cubs Snow and Sky from the National Zoo Bojnice in Bojnice, Slovakia, to the LIONSROCK big cat sanctuary in South Africa. Veterinary examination and loading of the white tiger Snow at the zoo. Photo credit: FOUR PAWS Rescue

The sanctuary, which has already provided a home for over 100 rescued big cats, offers them the space to roam freely, explore their natural environment and recover from the traumas of their past. It is a bittersweet moment as the sanctuary is also mourning the loss of their male sibling, who tragically did not survive the ordeal in Slovakia. Nevertheless, it is a great joy to see Snow and Sky beginning to thrive in their new environment.

Josef Pfabigan, CEO and President of FOUR PAWS, expressed the organization’s joy in welcoming the cubs to their new home.

“The sad fate of Snow and Sky has come to a happy end today. It is a great joy for FOUR PAWS to welcome the two tiger cubs to LIONSROCK. In their new home, they can explore their natural environment and enjoy a new attitude to life. We must not forget that many big cats have to suffer in private captivity, just like Snow and Sky. The protection of wild animals has been close to our hearts at FOUR PAWS since we were founded.”

The journey for these cubs has not been easy. Snow, with her rare white fur, is particularly at risk because inbreeding methods are used to produce these coveted traits. This inbreeding can lead to serious health problems and condemn animals like Snow to a lifetime of suffering. However, in LIONSROCK, Snow and her sister Sky have the chance to live out their lives in a place where their well-being is a top priority.

Patricia Tiplea, Head of Wildlife Rescue and Advocacy at FOUR PAWS, highlighted the challenges these cubs have faced and the bright future that now awaits them. “Cruel private captivity can have a lasting negative impact on big cats. They are often sick, malnourished, locked in unsuitable cages, abused as pets or for entertainment, and killed for their fur and body parts. These two tiger cubs have been deprived of their mother’s care since early childhood. Snow and Sky have a bright future ahead of them in LIONSROCK. It is amazing to see them exploring their outdoor enclosure and to see that they are already beginning to recover from their past.”

Europe remains a hotspot for the illegal trade in tigers and other big cats. Several countries are among the largest exporters and importers of these animals in the world. Although laws exist in some regions, big cats continue to suffer from a lack of enforcement. FOUR PAWS is calling for stricter laws and has launched a petition to end the ruthless tiger trade in the EU.

In the vastness of LIONSROCK, under the vast African sky, Snow and Sky now have the chance to live the life they were always meant to live. Their journey from despair to hope is a powerful example of how dedicated effort can change the world for the better – one life saved at a time.

Rescued tiger cubs find a new life in South Africa!
Bethlehem, South Africa | 14.08.2024 | Tiger cub Snow will be released into FOUR PAWS’ LIONSROCK big cat sanctuary in South Africa, her new permanent home after being rescued from illegal private ownership in Slovakia. Photo: FOUR PAWS Rescue

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