
Report: Trump’s attacks as a ‘frumpy old man’ cloud his re-election hopes

Report: Trump’s attacks as a ‘frumpy old man’ cloud his re-election hopes

Donald Trump’s decision to make President Joe Biden’s age the central theme of his re-election campaign is now taking its toll, as Biden gracefully stepped down to make way for the much younger Vice President Kamala Harris to take the top spot on the Democratic ticket.

According to a report by Politico’s Megan Messerly and Myah Ward, the former president has gone to great lengths to portray Biden as an “old, senile man.” And while Harris, 59, is running an optimistic and energetic campaign, the former president’s recent public efforts have led to his past attacks on him, which have denounced him for his age, backfiring on him.

As the report notes, Harris’ campaign has focused on talking about the future. Combined with slogans like “We are not going back,” Trump increasingly looks like a relic of “a past to which the country cannot return.”

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“Some Democrats are relishing the fact that they can finally launch an attack on age after months of being forced to defend a historically old candidate. Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz, 60, openly attacked Trump on his age this week at a fundraiser in Newport Beach, Calif. He called Trump ‘low energy,’ ‘tired,’ and the ‘guy who needs to get some rest on the weekend,'” Politico reports.

According to a Democratic pollster, Trump’s age is the “icing on the cake” for Harris’ campaign.

“Thematically, you’re looking to the future, but now you can also point to a very real thing, namely how much confidence you have in this man’s mental acuity, energy and general health?” suggested Paul Maslin. “Yes, he can still play a decent game of golf. OK, we’ll give him that. Is that enough?”

Read more about it here.

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