
Questions and answers: Anna E. Collins, author of “Worst In Show”

Questions and answers: Anna E. Collins, author of “Worst In Show”

We talk to author Anna E. Collins about Worst showthat is a A romantic comedy about rivals turned lovers in which a woman will do anything to save her grandfather’s store – even if that means training a wild puppy for a dog show alongside her biggest rival.

Hello Anna! Can you tell our readers something about yourself?

Sure. I’m a former high school teacher turned author, and while I’ve always loved writing, I didn’t start writing novels until I was thirty, when I moved to the United States from Sweden. I currently write romantic comedies and women’s fiction for two different publishers, and I love switching between genres because it offers so much variety. When I’m not writing, I enjoy baking, singing with my daughter, drawing, and spending time with my dog ​​(and family) here in our woodsy corner of the Pacific Northwest.

When did you first discover your love for writing and stories?

I still have a few short stories that I wrote as a child – most of them unfortunately reflect teenage angst – and I wrote a lot of songs when I was younger. I often found it easier to express myself in writing. My love of reading came from my parents, who were both teachers, had lots of books at home and encouraged me to go to the library regularly, which remains one of my favorite places to this day. I read voraciously from a young age, preferably series with strong female protagonists like Anne of Green Gables And Our little farm.

Quick blitz round! Tell us:

  • The first book you remember reading: If you ignore early children’s books, Good night, Mr. Tom by Michelle Magorian was my first major reading experience that really stuck in my memory.
  • The reason why you wanted to become an author: dusk. This may sound strange, but the escape from reality it offered me as a young mother awakened in me the desire to create my own fictional worlds.
  • What you must always remember: The boys in the boat by James Daniel Brown about the University of Washington rowing team at the 1930 Olympics. It’s a nonfiction book and a story of resilience that I think about often, especially living in the Seattle area.

Her latest novel, Worst of the showwill be released on 13 Augustth! If you could describe it in just five words, what would they be?

Dog-friendly, carefree, romantic, humorous, fast-paced

What can readers expect?

Readers can expect an adult love story where rivals become lovers, with competing pet shops, an amateur dog show, secret online identities a la “Your Email”, pranks, sweet family relationships, and enough dog humor to keep you fed until Christmas!

Where did the inspiration come from for Worst of the show come from?

I couldn’t have written Worst of the show if it weren’t for my sweet Goldendoodle Archie, to whom the book is dedicated. The mix of cleverness and silliness, the extra love and laughter, the tricks and activities – Archie is in everything. Add to that the fact that I really like writing romantic couples that start in delicious antagonism, and Worst of the show was born.

Were there any moments or characters that you particularly enjoyed writing or exploring?

I loved writing the big gesture in the finale (which I won’t give away here) because it shows Leo outside of his comfort zone, in what I think is a really weird situation. I also love writing dialogue and banter in general, and infusing the relationships with honesty to see where that takes the characters.

See also

What do you love about the romance genre?

Where else do you get a happy ending? It’s comforting to know that the characters will resolve their problems, even though their lives can seem quite challenging at times. I also find human relationships fascinating, so writing romance novels gives me an excellent opportunity to explore these deeply personal dynamics on page.

What’s next for you?

After Worst of the showIn February another women’s novel of mine will be published with the working title The night of the crash and then in August next year another romance, which I am currently revising. After that, hopefully many more brilliant book ideas and happy readers!

And finally: Which books have you enjoyed so far this year and are there any that you really want to get your hands on?

Oh, so many good ones. I discovered Anabel Monaghan this year and devoured all three of her books. Under a flaming sky by Daniel James Brown enlightened me about firestorms and has stayed with me for a long time. You with a view by Jessica Joyce and Love, theoretically by Ali Hazelwood were also five-star reads. Right now I can’t wait to read Liane Moriarty’s new book, One moment please.

Will you pick up Worst show? Tell us in the comments below!

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