
Puppies needed a home after ‘heartbreaking discovery’ in dumpster. Then came good news

Puppies needed a home after ‘heartbreaking discovery’ in dumpster. Then came good news

Puppies were rescued from the trash and needed a home – then good news came.

The litter of puppies was brought to safety after the “heartbreaking discovery.” And according to Triangle Beagle Rescue of North Carolina, all four babies have now been adopted.

“They were quickly adopted and are all getting to know their new families,” the Raleigh-area rescue organization wrote in a blog post.

The rescue organization also posted the heartwarming update on social media on May 5, about a month after the puppies came into their care. The siblings were found in a dumpster in rural Virginia.

“The condition of these puppies was devastating,” the animal organization wrote. “They had scratched and bitten off much of their fur, and their bodies were covered in painful wounds.”

The dogs were rescued by the Halifax Dog Squad and later came to Triangle Beagle Rescue. While social media users expressed their outrage at the pups’ neglect, the little ones began their journey to recovery.

“Thanks to the dedication of their loving foster family, the puppies are doing better,” the North Carolina animal rescue wrote. “They began to play and showed less discomfort after just a few baths.”

The puppies’ names were Rocky, Sky, Sweetie and Zuma. They were taken from the children’s cartoon “Paw Patrol” and are said to “symbolize a new beginning for these innocent souls in the face of their horrific past.”

The rescue organization did not provide further details about how the puppies ended up in the trash or if any charges were filed against them, but later released the happy news of their adoption.

“We are happy to announce that all four Paw Patrol puppies found in a dumpster have found loving forever homes,” the rescue organization said on Facebook, sharing photos of the babies with their new owners.

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