
Pro-life pregnancy center in Chicago vandalized after party convention

Pro-life pregnancy center in Chicago vandalized after party convention

Aid for Women is a pro-life clinic that helps pregnant women and, in accordance with Catholic teaching, does not perform abortions or refer mothers for abortions. This is why Democrats and left-wing activists hate these crisis pregnancy centers and want to put them out of business.

On Thursday night, after the Democratic National Convention ended, one of AFW’s clinics was vandalized, apparently with the intention of preventing its opening on Friday – that is, the vandals probably wanted to ensure that pregnant women did not receive care.

This clinic and AFW have repeatedly been targeted by abortion advocates.

Two years ago, the Socialism and Liberation Party partnered with an anti-pregnancy group called Reproductive Transparency Now to protest at the AFW fundraiser.

They call these centers “fake clinics” because they seem to be convinced that the only real support they can offer a pregnant woman is an abortion.

The same group protested in front of the clinic’s entrance earlier this year, and the left-wing news portal that reported on the protest gave the address of the location.

When the organization Reproductive Transparency Now held a protest against pro-life clinics last summer, it used the slogan adopted by Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign: “We will not go back,” adding, “We will fight back.”

Now someone seems to have taken this “promise of resistance” literally.

Vandalism and attempts to destroy pro-life clinics have been commonplace since the Supreme Court leak. Dobbs v. Jackson – Women’s Health Organization Decision that gave lawmakers the ability to pass abortion laws. Democratic politicians like Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) called for the abolition of pro-life clinics.

So stop for a moment and go back about five weeks before someone tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump. Think about how Democrats and liberal commentators used to talk about such vandalism and terrorism.


Criticism of gender ideology or the abortion industry is “stochastic terrorism,” Democrats and liberal commentators told us. That is, people who criticize the left are responsible for any violent or illegal actions against left-wing institutions or public figures.

By this logic, the Democrats and Reproductive Transparency Now are clearly guilty of “stochastic terrorism” against Aid for Women.

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