
Plans for return of Taunton Half Marathon announced

Plans for return of Taunton Half Marathon announced

Here we go: The start of a previous edition of the half marathon

Here we go: The start of a previous edition of the half marathon

The Taunton Half Marathon returns to the town in 2026, hosting its 40th edition after a four-year break.

Three Somerset businessmen have joined forces to revive the 13-mile and slightly longer race after former race director John Lewis turned down the event despite his full support.

Alex Bennett of Prosper Events, Dan Brice of Channel UK Events CIC and Dave Urwin of Albion Running will take over the running of the popular race from current organiser, the Taunton Carnival Committee, while Mr Lewis will remain behind the scenes in an advisory role.

The trio of local and experienced event directors are excited to bring this event back to the county seat and the running community and have already planned some new changes.

One of the changes is to use the city centre as the start and finish point of the race, while also establishing Castle Green next to the Castle Hotel as the event village.

Preparations for the event are in full swing and the team will aim to hold it in early March 2026. Final dates will be confirmed shortly.

Following the announcement of the race’s return, the three new event managers spoke about the plans. Alex from Prosper Events said: “We want to make this a project that the town of Taunton can really get behind and be proud of, whilst also encouraging more people to get active outdoors on a regular basis to train for and then enjoy mass events like this.”

“Local businesses, communities and individuals can come together and support the event by sponsoring, volunteering at the event or bringing their talents/businesses to help and showcase.”

Dan added: “We would love to see this event return to its glory days with over 1,000 participants and create a real spectacle for our county town.”

Dave said: “We are delighted to be able to involve many businesses, groups and charities from the community so that they benefit from their involvement in the event and we hope to continue the event for many years to come.”

The team is also asking the people of Somerset to help, who can show their support by running the race, encouraging their friends or family to take part, sponsoring the event or volunteering on the day.

They also ask about local businesses that can help with equipment for the event.

For more information, follow Taunton Half Marathon on Facebook or Instagram. The website and registration system will follow shortly.

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