
Palworld developer Pocketpair discussed AI in game development

Palworld developer Pocketpair discussed AI in game development

In an interview with Game Spark, the developer of Palworld discussed generative AI and its controversy. They mainly discussed AI: Art fraudstersthat Pocketpair has published in the past. (Thanks, Game Spark!)

Game Spark commented that AI: Art fraudsters impression, generative AI has sparked a lot of debate both online and in real life. Pocketpair representative and CEO Takuro Mizobe responded that generative AI is currently still changing and evolving. While there are some people who like it from a technological point of view, others cannot accept it from an artistic or moral point of view. He believes that people should continue to discuss the ethics of generative AI and its regulation.

He adds that AI is already being used as a tool in many areas, so it is impossible for games to do without it in the long run. However, since there are many rules about it and the technology itself is still under development, he believes that it is important to be careful when using it in projects.

Mizobe stated that his personal belief was that AI: Art fraudsters is a good game. He felt “obligated” to develop it because he felt had to develop a game using generative AI at a time when people saw real potential in its future use. But since then, he has received a lot of feedback. Mizobe reiterated that because Pocketpair makes entertainment, it wants to avoid anything that could make people unhappy or angry. In the future, the company wants to consider and balance people’s opinions on developing technologies while implementing them in games.

AI: Art fraudsters is one of the earlier games of Palworld Developer Pocketpair. It was released in 2022 and is an AI drawing game similar to “A fake artist goes to New York.” However, players will use generative AI to create the drawings and find the imposter. It is available on Windows PC and mobile.

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