
Opelousas infant who was on the transplant list receives a heart

Opelousas infant who was on the transplant list receives a heart

OPELOUSAS – You may remember Baby Joy, the baby from Opelousas who needed a heart transplant. We told her story in December. Today we checked in with Baby Joy and her mother, Crisite Jolivette, and learned that she is doing well and is even learning her first words.

“Mommy, mommy,” said Iizla, “Baby Joy” Jolivett, as she tried to get her mother’s attention during her interview with KATC’s Paris Flannigan.

“I expected it to run, but I’m just waiting for the time,” Jolivette said.

Time stood still last year when doctors told Jolivette that her little girl would be receiving a heart transplant. At the time, Jolivette prayed day and night for a miracle. That miracle was to get her then six-month-old daughter a heart after learning that the process could take nearly a year.

But today, says Jolivette, those days are behind them.

“The worst is over, not knowing if she will die or survive,” Jolivette said.

Today, Joy is alive, moving, laughing and even trying to walk. All of this progress is thanks to a heart transplant in February.

Another milestone in the midst of the storm: Joy turned one year old last June.

“She was happy and received many presents,” said Jolivette.

And lots of love from her two older sisters.

“It feels like a dream; it feels really real,” Jolivette said.

When Jolivette received the news of the heart transplant, he was shocked and couldn’t believe it was the perfect match.

With a perfect match, Jolivette hopes she will get closer to a perfect ending.

“What is the family like who has chosen to donate? What will happen? Will they want to get to know her, get to know me? I ask these questions because I want to thank them, because their child is now a part of them and that is beautiful. You can’t complain about little things when your child has been given a second chance in life,” said Jolivette.

Baby Joy still has many doctor’s appointments ahead of her to ensure she stays healthy.

If you would like to help and learn more about Baby Joy’s journey, click here

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