
One thing about Barty Crouch Jr. in Harry Potter always bothered me (but now I finally understand it)

One thing about Barty Crouch Jr. in Harry Potter always bothered me (but now I finally understand it)


  • Barty Crouch Jr. hated dark wizards who denied serving Voldemort – but that’s exactly what he did.
  • Crouch Jr.’s complex motives as a Death Eater to seek his father’s approval were tragic.
  • Crouch Jr.’s actions were driven by a desire to belong, not by power like other dark wizards.

Something about the Harry Potter The villain Barty Crouch Jr. has always annoyed me, but I think I’m finally starting to understand him. As far as the dark wizards Harry came into contact with go, he was the most surprising. Not because Barty Jr. himself was not a known Death Eater, but because he was a Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Although the final chapters reveal a lot about who this character really was, there is still a lot we don’t know. Plus, I never fully understood Barty’s motivations.

Barty Crouch Jr. was the son of Barty Crouch Sr., a Ministry official who was head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement during the First Wizarding War. Crouch Sr. was notorious for his harshness towards anyone guilty of dark magic or following Lord Voldemort, which made the revelation that his son was a Death Eater all the more shocking. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of FireHarry unknowingly spent a lot of time with Crouch Jr., who played the role of Mad-Eye Moody well. So well that his motivations as a villain become somewhat confusing.


All Harry Potter movies in the correct order (and how long they last)

While the story of Harry Potter has come to an end, the end of the magical world is still far from in sight. Let’s take a look at all the films so far.

Barty Crouch Jr.’s crimes and motives in Harry Potter have always been confusing

Crouch Jr. hated Death Eaters who denied serving Lord Voldemort – but that was exactly what he did

It was easy to love Mad-Eye Moody in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Firewhich made the fact that he was a villain in disguise difficult to digest. It also meant that I closed the book at the end without a thorough understanding of Mad-Eye or Barty Crouch Jr. – it was hard to tell where one and the other began. Of course, little tidbits of Crouch Jr.’s past were revealed as the story progressed, and his interrogation by Dumbledore filled in the gaps. We eventually learn that He was obsessed with Lord Voldemort – unswervingly loyal – but why did he then refuse to?

When Crouch Jr. was sent to Azkaban, he begged his father to release him, claiming that he was innocent and had done nothing wrong. Harry witnessed this through the Pensieve and felt sorry for the young man. However, we later learn that Crouch Jr. hated nothing more than when Voldemort’s Death Eaters denied their master and therefore avoided Azkaban. This is why he was so successful at imitating Mad-Eye, as they both hated nothing more than a Death Eater getting away. Yet Crouch Jr. tried to do just that himself.

The arrest scene of Barty Crouch Jr. was drastically changed in the
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Film in which he did not try to deny the allegations against him.

The Harry Potter books suggest that Crouch was different from the other Death Eaters

Crouch Jr. didn’t care about Muggles or Muggleborns

A mixed image shows a serious Barty Crouch and Barty Crouch Jr. being held by wizard guards in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

When rereading Goblet of FireI looked for clues to Crouch Jr.’s motives. Sure, he wanted to bring back Voldemort, but he didn’t seem to care about wizard supremacy or Muggle oppression. He never mentioned any of that. He just wanted to be by his master’s side – even though he had denied being a Voldemort follower during his trial. Crouch Jr. was not the same as Lucius Malfoy or even the loyal Bellatrix Lestrange (who never denied her role in torturing the Longbottoms). Instead, I found that His motives for following Voldemort were far more tragic.

After Barty-Crouch-as-Mad-Eye told Harry that he had put his name in the Goblet of Fire, he launched into a monologue about how, after killing Harry, he would be Voldemort’s most honored Death Eater. calls itself “his closest supporter…closer than a son. Crouch Jr. didn’t care about Muggles or Muggleborns, because all he ever wanted was his father’s love. Crouch Sr., however, was only obsessed with dark wizards, and what better way for him to get the man’s attention than to become one himself?

Crouch Sr. was just obsessed with dark wizards and what better way to get the man’s attention than to become one himself?

That is why Crouch Jr. begged for his father’s mercy when he was caught, and why he hated Death Eaters who were never imprisoned. He had tried desperately to convince Crouch Sr. that he was his son and hated everyone his father had released because the man had not done so for his own childAlthough Crouch Jr. once tried to reject Voldemort, he became his most loyal servant, not because he worshipped him as a god, but because he loved him as a father figure.

There is a lot we don’t yet know about Barty Crouch Jr.

Barty Crouch Jr.’s life was short and tragic

Barty Crouch Jr. in Harry Potter (1)

The efforts to mislead readers about Barty Crouch Jr. result in much of his own history being quite confusing. Many of his acts of kindness while pretending to be Mad-Eye Moody were unnecessary to his mission and therefore made his past crimes confusing. His actions during his hearing and his words to Harry at the end of Goblet of Fire are contradictory, making it difficult to understand exactly who this character is. Added to this is the fact that the Harry Potter Almost everything from Crouch Jr.’s past has been cut from the films, and there is a lot of uncertainty here.

Normally JK Rowling would have developed a character like this further on Pottermore (Now Magical world), but nothing was written explicitly about Barty Crouch Jr., so I have to content myself with reading between the lines. Crouch Sr. revealed that his son had been a top student at Hogwarts and young Barty’s mother loved him so much that she sacrificed her own life for him and took his place in Azkaban prison. I find it heartbreaking that he had so much potential and that unlike other villains in Harry PotterBarty Crouch Jr. didn’t turn to Voldemort for power. He just wanted a father.

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