
On the second day of the DNC, several people were arrested during pro-Palestinian protests outside the Israeli consulate

On the second day of the DNC, several people were arrested during pro-Palestinian protests outside the Israeli consulate

CHICAGO (CBS) – The second night of the Democratic Party Convention on Tuesday was also supposed to be the second night of protests in Chicago.

The group Behind Enemy Lines began a protest Tuesday evening in front of the Israeli consulate in the Accenture Tower at 500 W. Madison St. in the West Loop – 1.7 miles east of the United Center, where the convention is taking place. Several people were arrested in clashes with police. Protesters also set fire to American flags.

The number of pro-Palestinian protesters outside the Accenture Tower grew rapidly shortly after 7 p.m. on Tuesday. By 7:15 p.m. there were about 200 protesters and their numbers are expected to continue to grow. A representative of Behind Enemy Lines spoke to his supporters via megaphone.

While many in the group wanted to disrupt traffic and provoke the police, others wanted to spread their message.

“We are here to support the protest against the genocide in Gaza, of course,” said Jared Houston, a protester from Seattle. “We are here to demand an end to all US aid to Israel.”

At around 7:30 p.m., as the protest became more heated, the demonstrators faced the police and demanded: “Move! Move!” The police in the protective helmets did not move.

Police also removed the wooden poles to which protesters had attached flags and signs in case they could be used as weapons.

Shortly afterward, police began arresting some of the people seen on video. At least three people were arrested during the protest. What the men were doing was not immediately clear.

The group occupied Clinton Street at the intersection with Madison Street. They attempted to move south onto Clinton Street, but were stopped by police.

The situation was calmed down when police regained control of the Clinton and Madison Streets intersection, but around 7:45 p.m., protesters set fire to what appeared to be a bundle of American flags after dousing them with some sort of accelerant.

A crowd gathered around the fire.

Election 2024 DNC
Protesters burn a flag near the Israeli consulate during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Tuesday, August 20, 2024.

Alex Brandon/AP

Former Chicago Police Chief Eddie Johnson said police would not take action against flags being lit unless there was a danger to people. Otherwise, Johnson said, it would be an escalation.

Flag burning is protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution.

Protesters burn US flag during demonstration in front of Israeli consulate


A pro-Israel counter-protester was also planned, but took place later as the pro-Palestinian group remained on the streets in full force. Pro-Israel counter-protesters began arriving in large numbers near Madison and Canal Streets shortly before 8 p.m. They were separated from the pro-Palestinian protesters by a human wall of police officers.

Some demonstrators on the pro-Palestinian side tried to break through the police phalanx, but were denied permission.

Later, the protest began to disperse. Demonstrators attempted to reach the Dirksen Federal Courthouse at the corner of Dearborn and Adams Streets – across the South Branch of the Chicago River – but did not make it that far.

The protesters landed at the intersection of Canal Street and Monroe Street, not far from the Accenture Tower. Several people were arrested there. Video shows them sitting on the street in police custody.

As documented in photos, at least one of the people arrested on Tuesday evening had a media pass.

CBS News Chicago political analyst and former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said police handled the potential chaos well.

Lightfoot said people have every right to exercise their First Amendment rights – and can even stand side by side if they disagree – as long as the situation does not become violent.

Violence against persons, vandalism or damage to property or throwing objects at officials – as in the riots in Chicago following the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police in 2020 – are reasons for police to intervene more aggressively, Lightfoot said.

Despite the arrests and brief clashes, there were no reports of injuries or property damage during Tuesday night’s protests, which Chicago police would consider a success.

Lightfoot: Police doing a good job in dealing with protests outside the Israeli consulate


Late Tuesday, the Israeli consulate released a statement calling the pro-Palestinian protests violent:

“We are appalled by the violence during the protests outside our offices. This is anything but peaceful and is completely contrary to the spirit of the DNC. This vocal minority does not represent the large, bipartisan majority of Americans who strongly support Israel.

“It was incredibly heartwarming to see so many Americans confront this hatred outside our office, reflecting the strong bond between America and Israel.

“We are beyond disappointed by the Mayor’s continued support for anti-Israel protests in Chicago, particularly during the DNC, and his continued disregard for the city’s large pro-Israel and Jewish community.

“Lastly, we are grateful to all the police officers who are protecting the city during the DNC. We applaud their self-sacrifice and countless hours of work to ensure the safety of all Chicagoans.”

Metra plans protest in advance

Metra announced Tuesday afternoon that the entrance to the Ogilvie Transportation Center from the Accenture Tower would remain closed due to the planned protest that evening.

Commuters on Union Pacific lines should enter through the doors of the French Market one block north on Clinton Street, Metra said.

Due to “unforeseen circumstances,” nearby stores also closed early.

Protest group Behind Enemy Lines remembers the 1968 DNC

Their protest flyers, “Behind Enemy Lines,” reference the chaos before the 1968 Democratic National Convention. They say, “Make it great like 1968! Shut down the DNC for Gaza.”

On its website, Behind the Enemy Lines claims that it stands for anti-imperialism and against the “US empire” – and that it conducts “anti-imperialist agitation”. Vice President Kamala Harris accuses the group of being “complicit in the genocide” of the Palestinians in Gaza.

“Our responsibility to the people of the world is to actually oppose this convention and, yes, to take risks to do so,” the group wrote.

Behind Enemy Lines was behind a protest in March in which a Marine veteran burned an American flag in front of City Hall. Ald. Byron Sigcho-Lopez (25) spoke at the rally just feet from the burned flag – and although he said he did not see the remains of the flag lying on the ground during his speech at the rally, his participation nonetheless led to calls for him to give up his seat as chair of the city council’s housing committee.

The City Council blocked the move and Sigcho-Lopez retained his leadership position.

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