
Olympic Wrestling Final – Match Notes from Day 7

Olympic Wrestling Final – Match Notes from Day 7

Kennedy Blades wins silver and Kyle Snyder finishes fifth on the final day of Olympic wrestling competition.

Medal Games

MFS 65kg Bronze – Sebastian Rivera (Puerto Rico) over Tulga Tumur-Ochir (Mongolia), 10-9

First period: Tumur-Ochir hits an arm spin and Rivera holds the head but is still scoreless after the stalemate. Tumur-Ochir scores a step-out point with 1:34 left. Rivera is put on the activity clock and Tumur-Ochir scores a takedown and gets the penalty point for a 4-0 lead.

Second period: Rivera scores with a snatch single, then three trapped-arm guts to make it 8-4, then Tumur-Ochir makes a four-point move to make it 8-8 in the first 55 seconds. Tumur-Ochir scores with a step-out with 1:18 left to make it 9-8. Rivera almost scores at the final siren, but Tumur-Ochir holds on. Puerto Rico contests that there were three points of contact. Contest won. Rivera wins the bronze medal 10-9.

MFS 65 kg Bronze – Islam Dudaev (Albania) over Ismail Musukaev (Hungary), 13-12

First period: Dudaev lands a beautiful four-point butcher and two-point exposure out for a 6-0 lead with 1:32 remaining. Musukaev lands a two-point misdirection with 1:02 remaining. Albania contests the sequence. Challenge won. Dudaev scores two points and Musukaev scores four points in the exchange for an 8-4 lead for Dudaev. Musukaev scores a takedown out of the challenge to cut Dudaev’s lead to 8-6 at the break. Musukaev lands four points with a front headlock for a 12-12 lead. Dudaev wins with an apparent out-of-bounds reversal that was not called, but the call is contested by Albania. Challenge won. Dudaev leads 13-12 and finally wins after Musukaev attempts a takedown in the closing seconds.

Second period: Dudaev crosses the court on a throw for two points and then scores two more with a leg kick to take a 12-6 lead with 1:51 to go. Musukaev counters with a low throw and a takedown. Dudaev leads 12-8 with 1:14 to go. Musukaev scores a four-point throw, but Dudaev gets a reversal out after a tackle and wins 13-12.

MFS 65 kg Gold – Kotaro Kiyooka (Japan) over Rahman Amouzadkhalili (Iran), 10-3

First period: Amouzadkhalili scores with a step-out to take a 1-0 lead. Kiyooka scores with a takedown and four turns to take a 10-1 lead as time expires.

Second period: Amouzadkhalili scores two points on an exposure, but Kiyooka still leads 10-3. Amouzadkhalili surrenders with 10 seconds left. Kiyooka wins gold 10-3.

MFS 97kg Bronze – Magomedkhan Magomedov (Azerbaijan) Technician Murazi Mchedlidze (Ukraine), 10-0

First period: Magomedov scores two points on a double out-of-bounds and then gets another point on an activity clock violation to take a 3-0 lead with a minute to go. Magomedov scores another two-point takedown and takes a 5-0 lead at halftime.

Second period: Magomedov scores with a step-out 2:17 minutes before the end to make it 6:0. Two more with a go-behind out of bounds make it 8:0. Magomedov ends it with another takedown and a 10-0 win.

MFS 97 kg Bronze – Amirali Azarpira (Iran) over Kyle Snyder (USA), 4-1

First period: Azarpira counters a shot by Snyder to give the team a 2-0 lead with 1:50 left. No more goals are scored for the rest of the period. At halftime, Azarpira leads 2-0.

Second period: Azarpira is put on the activity clock and Snyder scores his first point when it runs out, but Azarpira scores with a step-out to make it 3-1. 40 seconds before the end, Snyder’s low shot is called a stalemate. Another point for Azarpira on a step-out with 31 seconds left. Azarpira wins 4-1 and takes the bronze medal.

MFS 97kg Gold – Akhmed Tazhudinov (Bahrain) FALL Givi Matcharashvili (Georgia), 1:32

First period: Tazhudinov counters a shot and wins by fall in 1:32.

WFS 76kg Bronze – Milaimys Marin (Cuba) over Aiperi Medet Kyzy (Kyrgyzstan), 6:0

First period: Marin hits a double to score the first two points. Marin secures a second takedown off a single to take a 4-0 lead with 1:45 to go.

Second period: Marin uses a counterattack for a third takedown and a 6-0 lead.

WFS 76 kg Bronze – Tatiana Renteria (Colombia) over Genesis Reasco (Ecuador), 2-1

First period: Reasco puts the activity clock on with 1:43 left. Renteria scores the first point as the clock expires.

Second Period: Reasco is put on the activity clock again and scores a second point as it expires. Renteria is put on the activity clock again and gives Reasco her first point as it expires. Renteria wins 2-1, all on points from the activity clock.

WFS 76 kg Gold – Yuka Kagami (Japan) against Kennedy Blades (USA), 3-1

First Period: Blades puts the activity clock on with 1:46 left. Kagami scores the first point on an activity clock violation. Blades scores a step-out with 59 seconds left to take a 1-1 lead. Kagami hits a shot at the end of the period, but Blades saves it as time expires.

Second period: Kagami gets a takedown outside the court and takes a 3-1 lead with 1:22 minutes to go. Blades makes several attempts but is unable to score. Kagami wins 3-1.

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