
Oklahoma health experts recommend vaccinations and good hygiene practices as the school year begins

Oklahoma health experts recommend vaccinations and good hygiene practices as the school year begins

Doctors across the Green Country are preparing for illnesses that typically accompany cooler weather and the start of the new school year.

Although the summer hasn’t been as busy as the fall usually is for Dr. Matthew Else, a family medicine physician at Utica Park Clinic, he said he’s seeing more patients as the school year begins.

Else said when children go back to school and the weather finally gets cooler, there is usually an increase in illnesses such as strep throat, flu and COVID-19.

Else says washing your hands can help you stay healthy, but also recommends getting your flu and COVID-19 shots this year.

“Just as we have to get a flu shot every year, the COVID-19 vaccination will unfortunately also be one of the annual fall vaccinations that we plan to do,” said Else. “Soon we will actually have a vaccination that combines both vaccines and that will make it a little easier for everyone.”

Else also said one of the reasons more people get sick in cooler weather is because people gather indoors more. Diseases like strep throat, flu and COVID-19 can spread more easily indoors when people are closer together.

In addition to measures such as vaccinations, good hygiene can help slow the spread of various diseases, Else said.

“We are seeing much more community spread, especially within the household,” Elsa said. “When one person gets infected, they usually bring it home and spread it to everyone else. The more we all practice proper hygiene and isolate ourselves when we show symptoms, the better we can keep these diseases at bay.”

To prevent the spread of disease, Else recommends that if you feel sick, note your symptoms and see a doctor, and stay home and avoid going to work or school until you feel better.

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