
News 5K, Rock and Roll Half Marathon returns to Cleveland Saturday morning

News 5K, Rock and Roll Half Marathon returns to Cleveland Saturday morning

It was race day at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and runners gathered for the News 5K and the Rock and Roll Half Marathon.

Several hundred people were at the race early Saturday morning to take part in the half marathon, 10 km and 5 km and the relay race. The runners reached the finish line around 10 a.m.

While some runners had been training for weeks before the race, some, like marathon runner Jahlen Hill, decided to take part on Friday evening.

“I’ve never run ten kilometers before,” he said. “Let’s test my body and see what I can do. Honestly, it was the best thing I’ve ever done.”

The runners were cheered on by their families along the entire route, which began and ended at the Rock Hall.

“I really like the spectators and the families,” said runner Heather Conger. “They really support me throughout the race. I like the course because it’s kind of a straight loop out and back. So, mentally, I find it easier.”

The participants were able to go home with a cool Rock Hall medal and maybe a little bit of sore muscles.


News 5 Cleveland

As the winners were announced, many racers said it was more about beating their personal best.

“Everyone here is working hard to improve,” said relay winner Brayden White. “It’s nice to see that.”

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