
Nature List No. 1 – The Trek

Nature List No. 1 – The Trek

Nature List No. 1 – The Trek

Nature list from day one. Please identify one of them in the comments.

1. Large, buzzing insects. I thought (from the sound) they might be rattlesnakes. One dive-bombed me and I told it to get lost.

2. These jewel blue birds with black capes and a crest. Lots to do. I say, “What are you doing, you beautiful nutcase?”

3. Spotted desert squirrels with cream-colored half-capes. I watch one dig its own cat hole in the sand, use it, and fill it. Squirrels tend to crawl around on their bellies here; they are brave and climb onto my backpack. “No thanks, possibly rabid animal,” I say.

4. Tiny geckosalamanders and medium-sized ones that are busy when they don’t know they are being watched. They look like a statue when I greet them. Dark grey with blue details.

5. Dusk high above, a slender rodent that looks like a chipmunk, jumping (flying!) from branch to branch. Dark brown, black ears, white eye mask. I say “Wow!” and am overwhelmed.

6. This guy in the picture. Big as a dog, persistent. I say, “Please don’t murder me when my back is turned.”

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