
Move-in Day: Marietta College welcomes freshmen and transfer students | News, Sports, Jobs

Move-in Day: Marietta College welcomes freshmen and transfer students | News, Sports, Jobs

Move-in Day: Marietta College welcomes freshmen and transfer students | News, Sports, Jobs

New Marietta College students arrive at the Hermann Fine Arts Center on Friday for Move-in Day 2024. (Photo provided)

Friday was a special day for Nick Sarno and his parents Debbie and Vince because it was both move-in day at Marietta College and Nick’s birthday.

Approximately 275 new students have joined the Marietta College community, many of whom moved into their new residence halls on Friday. The new students have kicked off HOME (Honoring Our Marietta Experience) Week, an event designed to help them prepare for the social, cultural and academic expectations in Marietta. The week provides the new students with an opportunity to become familiar with the campus, socialize with their fellow students and prepare for classes that begin on Thursday.

Nick Sarno’s path to becoming a Marietta College student began with his passion for rowing. He said he connected with the Marietta rowing team’s coaching staff after a campus visit and fell in love with the college. His enthusiasm grew even more when his New Jersey high school won the Head of the Muskingum Regatta.

Sarno plans to study sports medicine and said he was attracted to the college’s team culture and close-knit community.

When his parents saw their son begin his academic career hundreds of miles away, they expressed mixed feelings.

“We are very happy for him,” Said Debbie Sarno. “I get emotional, but I know I’ve equipped him with all the tools he needs.”

Freshmen and transfer students moving into Marietta’s dorms were greeted by current students who were willing to help unload vehicles and transport belongings to the dorms.

Joshua Radloff, Class of 2025, who was the McDonough Leadership EXCEL coordinator, took on a new role on Friday. He, along with his Delta Tau Delta brothers and other members of the Greek community, made sure move-in day went smoothly for the families.

“I wanted to make sure that the new students had the same great experiences that I had here,” said Radloff. “I still remember the day we moved in. The help of the student volunteers made life so much easier for my family. I hope that for the new students too.”

Minutes after stopping in front of Elsie Newton Hall, Donald Ciminero’s van was emptied and his son Nico’s belongings were taken to his room.

“That was nice,” Said Donald. “I didn’t expect so much help.”

Fiona Betzold traveled from Michigan to study sports medicine and play lacrosse.

“I’m really happy to be here,” she said. “Everyone has been so nice and I can’t wait to be part of this close-knit community.”

Exchange student Aiyana Hancock and her mother Carrie Shook already knew Marietta.

“I am from here and was transferred to be closer to home,” said Hancock, who studies sports management. “I went to a school that was three hours away, it was just too far for me.”

Carrie was happy with her daughter’s decision.

“She plays softball and we always had to drive three hours just to see her home games,” Said Debbie. “I’m glad to have her much closer to me now and to be able to watch her play. It was a great step.”

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