
Mosquitoes in Logan County test positive for West Nile virus

Mosquitoes in Logan County test positive for West Nile virus

LOGAN COUNTY (25News Now) – The West Nile virus has found its way to Logan County.

The county health department said two groups of mosquitoes were collected in Mount Pulaski and Cornland on August 5 and tested positive for the virus.

The West Nile virus causes encephalitis, an infection of the brain.

The health department reminds people to follow the three R’s to reduce the number of mosquitoes around their home: reduce, repel and report.

  • Reduce your exposure by avoiding being outdoors when mosquitoes are most active between dusk and dawn. Repair screens that have cracks or other external openings. Keep windows closed and eliminate standing water around your property where mosquitoes can breed.
  • When outdoors, protect yourself from mosquito bites by wearing shoes, socks, long pants, and a long-sleeved shirt (light-colored clothing is preferable). Wear repellents containing DEET, picaridin, lemon eucalyptus oil, or IR 3535 and use them according to label directions.
  • Report dead birds to the Logan County Health Department. If the bird has been dead for less than 24 hours and appears to have died of natural causes, it may be eligible for testing. Bird samples will be accepted for testing through October 15. Also, contact the health department or your municipality to report standing water in roadside ditches, abandoned ponds, flooded yards, or similar locations that could be breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

If a mosquito bite causes symptoms such as high fever, confusion, muscle weakness or severe headaches, a visit to the doctor is advisable.

So far this year, West Nile virus has been detected in McLean County and Peoria County.

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