
More than half of those over 65 do not receive free money for food and healthcare

More than half of those over 65 do not receive free money for food and healthcare

FILE – Older adult holding a hundred dollar bill and a pink wallet. Getty Images

Millions of older people are not receiving the benefits they are entitled to, a data analysis conducted by the Urban Institute’s Analysis of Transfers, Taxes, and Income Security (ATTIS).

Nine million low-income adults ages 65 and older are eligible for, but are not enrolled in, programs that could help them pay for food, public health insurance and other daily expenses.

The National Council on Aging (NCOA), a nonprofit organization that advocates for the needs of older Americans, shared key national findings:

  • SNAP: Nearly 9 million older adults are eligible but not enrolled; only 30% of eligible older adults are enrolled
  • SSI: More than 2.3 million older adults are eligible but not enrolled; 49% are enrolled
  • MSP: Nearly 5.8 million older adults are eligible but not enrolled; 46% are enrolled

Participation rates varied between 17% and 82% across states, and there were also large differences between counties.

Massachusetts, New York, Alaska, Washington and Florida have participation rates in the top quarter of all states for all programs.

North Dakota, Wyoming and Montana’s participation rates are in the bottom quarter of states for all programs.

The NCOA worked with the Urban Institute to transform their data and insights into a comprehensive map to help states and community-based organizations determine where to focus their enrollment efforts to have the greatest impact.

View the map here.

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Who is eligible for SNAP?

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides monthly food assistance. It was formerly known as food stamps.

Eligibility information varies by state. Find information for your state here. on the USDA Food and Nutrition Service website here.

For SNAP, participation rates range from 17% in California and Iowa to 51% in Rhode Island—the only state where the SNAP mark is exceeded.

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Who is eligible for SSI?

Unlike Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) provides monthly cash assistance.

Adults and children may be eligible for SSI if they:

  • Little or no income and
  • Little or no resources and
  • A disability, blindness or being 65 years of age or older.

Further information can be found here on the Social Security website.

For SSI, participation rates range from 21% in North Dakota and New Hampshire to 82% in Alaska.

Several states with large numbers of unenrolled people were among the states with the highest participation rates. For example, California’s SSI participation rate is 59%, but more than 400,000 people are unenrolled. In New York, where the participation rate is 65%, 120,000 people are unenrolled.

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Who is eligible for the Medicare Savings Program?

The Medicare Savings Program (MSP) helps pay Medicare premiums, deductibles, and cost sharing.

According to NCOA, there are four Medicare Savings Programs, each with different income and asset eligibility limits.

NCOA has more information and programs and eligibility here.

For MSP, participation rates range from 21% in North Dakota to 67% in Washington.

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