
Molly and Bob Tuggle win Street Festival Half Pot

Molly and Bob Tuggle win Street Festival Half Pot

Molly and Bob Tuggle won the Jasper Street Festival Half Pot. The couple received their prize on Tuesday at the Jasper Chamber of Commerce. In the photo, Molly and Bob are accompanied from left by Mary Champion, VUJ’s Director of Student Services, Half Pot coordinators Gary Schnell, Paul Grammer, Laura Grammer and Kim Lottes, VUJ Foundation President Dan Fritch and VUJ Interim Dean Stephanie Stemle.

Molly and Bob Tuggle said they would likely use half of the pot winnings of $77,382.50 for their grandchildren’s future.

This seems fitting, since the Troy couple purchased their winning ticket by chance when they took their grandchildren Calvin, Nora and Zeke to the street fair balloon race on Friday night.

“We couldn’t decide who to credit because he (Bob) bought the ticket and it was my idea to go to the balloon festival,” Molly said.

“We have to give credit to the children because we couldn’t have done this without them,” she added.

They almost didn’t buy tickets. When the race was canceled due to approaching thunderstorms, Molly almost decided to go home because “the kids were getting restless and I almost wanted to leave because it was so hot.”

But Bob convinced them to hold on, and the grandchildren had a great time with the free Frisbees and were able to get up close and personal with the balloons as they were inflated and lit up by the burners. While he held on, he also took the time to buy the tickets, which were promptly forgotten.

“He came up to me and gave me the ticket. I was busy with a two-year-old so I stuffed it into the bag I was carrying,” she said.

“And we haven’t seen that bag for two weeks,” Bob added.

The bag was full of swimwear, towels and equipment and was taken back to her daughter’s house with the grandchildren. When the numbers were announced, Molly called her daughter and asked if the ticket was still in the bag.

Luckily, it had stayed dry, and when Molly checked the numbers, she couldn’t believe it. “I was sitting on the porch with my phone and I kept checking it,” Molly said. “I couldn’t believe it; he was laying in bed watching the game, and I said, ‘Look at this, I think we won half the pot.'”

“Well, that’s a winner,” Bob told her calmly after checking it.

The semi-retired couple – Molly works part-time as a nurse in Perry County – have made a habit of buying half-pot tickets for various causes and charities. “We talked to a friend who said he wouldn’t buy half-pot tickets because it’s gambling, but we tell him it’s for a good cause. It’s not like we’re going to the casino,” she laughed, adding that they want to rub it in his face that they won.

The remaining half of the proceeds will benefit local VUJ students through Vincennes University’s Jasper Scholarship Fund. Scholars will receive full tuition for one year, a $500 book stipend, and a laptop.

Proceeds also help provide a solid financial foundation for the continuation and growth of the street festival and the Jasper community.

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