
Molas’ reversed roles and gender situation

Molas’ reversed roles and gender situation

– Thirteen Days in the Jungle: Molas’ Reversed Roles and Gender Situation

Zack goes: Thorsten Legat is leaving the RTL jungle camp of legends. Interestingly, the candidate who was probably most looking forward to the triumph in the anniversary season is the one who is eliminated in the 13th episode of “I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here! Legends”, which was broadcast on Tuesday evening on RTL+.

Flop in the “slime basin”

Unfortunately, Legat and Gigi Birofio were not able to get all the stars out of a water tank as quickly as their competitors in the jungle test “Slime Pool”. This means that Mola Adebisi and Eric Stehfest have the power to decide who leaves the show. They choose Legat, with Adebisi justifying his choice by saying that Legat is “the toughest opponent”. “So be it,” Legat replies, continuing to claim: “It’s all good.”

However, it seems that “all is not well” when the reality of leaving becomes clear. “This is the end of our journey,” laments Legat, who never shied away from the drama of the moment. “I experienced it, I enjoyed it.”

“Everything is fine” – “All nonsense”

“It’s all good,” he explains emphatically one last time, before possibly admitting the underlying truth: “It’s all nonsense,” the 55-year-old ex-footballer mutters, tears streaming down his face. “There is so much grief in me.” He had initially expressed his outrage when rival Georgina used the F-word, but perhaps mothers are subject to different moral principles.

In episode 13, host Mola Adebisi changes the subject and shares his views on how mothers and fathers express their love for their children differently, his disdain for emancipation and his belief in a “classic marriage” between a man and a woman as the norm. He even says to Sarah Knappik: “You are a typical heterosexual woman.”

Reversed gender roles

Later, moderator Jan Köppen calls Mola’s comments “reversed gender roles.” Mola proudly declares that men should not take on tasks that are normally associated with women, and vice versa. He gives examples such as filling a car and assembling an IKEA wardrobe. He also mentions that men today have to be careful and that double standards are widespread. While a man who says that a woman should cook is criticized, a woman who expresses disinterest in cooking is cheered. In a nonchalant tone, Mola also says: “My wife is my queen, but I am the law.”

While the female candidates express their disbelief and opposition, candidate Eric remains silent when asked to participate in the debate. He explains: “I’d rather not say anything, otherwise things will escalate.”

In the gender role debates, moderator Mola Adebisi claims that men and women should not conform to traditional roles and advocates for a reversal of traditional gender norms. However, some of his views, such as the belief that men should not take on roles typically associated with women, have sparked controversy and opposition from the female candidates.

Although Mola strongly advocates for a reversal of gender roles, candidate Eric Stehfest decides to remain silent, recognizing that there is potential for escalation in the ongoing debate.

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