
McCluskie meets with Lake County Commissioners

McCluskie meets with Lake County Commissioners

LEADVILLE, CO – Speaker Julie McCluskie met with the Lake County Board of Commissioners in Leadville today for a presentation on the county’s legislative priorities.

The commissioners’ legislative priorities included school funding, improving access to grant opportunities for local governments, and a desire to be involved in implementing recent legislation. The commissioners also focused on public safety and courthouse funding, housing affordability, and improving social service delivery.

“I always enjoy meeting with our county commissioners and learning their priorities for the upcoming legislative session,” said Speaker Julie McCluskie, D-Dillon. “I am committed to supporting our schools, local governments and the residents of Lake County and look forward to continuing to invest in K-12 education and making our communities more affordable. I look forward to working with the Board on these important priorities for Lake County during next year’s legislative session.”

Speaker McCluskie supported the new school funding formula, which significantly increases funding for rural schools and districts that serve more at-risk students and special education students. The new formula will increase funding for Lake County R-1 by 14.4 percent per year until fully implemented. She also supported legislation to protect trailer park residents. increase the affordability of housingand make it easier for upstate communities to access Prop 123 affordable housing funds.

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