
Maine is one of the top 10 states for epic road trips

Maine is one of the top 10 states for epic road trips

Summer is here. It’s the time of year when we’re most eager to throw our bags in the car, crank up the music, and hit the road. With school out and the weather (so far) nice, it’s no wonder 75% of American adults are up for a road trip, according to WalletHub. Of those, about 33% plan to drive more than 250 miles from home.

Choosing a destination? That’s often the hardest part. Gas prices are still high, and we don’t even want to mention the impact of inflation on hotel rooms and meals. However, WalletHub has done the heavy lifting for us. They’ve crunched the numbers on 32 key metrics (including attractions, road conditions, and costs) to find the best states to travel to.

After running through all the numbers, Maine came in at number 9 on the list of best states for a road trip. Why Maine? First off, we have a diverse mix of scenic routes and beautiful stops along the way that make every mile worthwhile. From the stunning coastline to the mountains, the views here are simply Instagram-worthy. And let’s not forget the road conditions. They are (mostly) smoother than a freshly paved highway.

Woman in convertible with raised arms
Jupiter images

Plus, Maine isn’t just a feast for the eyes. It’s apparently worth traveling too. Since gas prices and lodging costs are fairly moderate, you can focus on filling your itinerary with everything from coastal towns to epic seafood feasts without breaking the bank.

So if you’re planning a summer road trip, Maine is the place for you. Pack your bags, hit the road, and get ready for an adventure that’s as relaxing and fun as it is unforgettable.

25 Must-Visit Places for First-Time Visitors to Maine

Here are 25 excellent places to explore if you’re visiting Maine for the first time and want to fully immerse yourself in the experience.

Gallery Credit: Lizzy Snyder

These are 14 hidden gems in Maine that you must visit

Gallery Credit: Megan

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