
Lorraine Kelly’s Brexit holiday disgrace

Lorraine Kelly’s Brexit holiday disgrace

Congratulations to the artist formerly known as Lorraine Kelly for this weekend’s most tasteless media appearance. After repeatedly failing to turn up for her own show on ITV, the self-proclaimed “chatty girl” decided to take a look at a rival station, signing up to Times Radio on Saturday for an interview about – what else? – her travel plans.

The Scottish sage complained to host Hugo Rifkind about the “horrific” post-Brexit queues, explaining that “people were lied to” and “didn’t know” what they voted for in the 2016 EU referendum. “I’m sick of going to Europe and kind of apologising, you feel mortified,” she added. But what followed really set Kelly apart from the usual Remainer fare. She told Rifkind about returning from Scotland’s recent international match against Germany:

We almost missed our flight on the way back. Because there was this thing and this kind of segregation, you feel like you’re sub-human, you know, you stand in this other line forever and then you have to go somewhere else to get your passport checked and all this other stuff and it’s just awful and it’s going backwards.

“Untermensch,” of course, means “subhuman,” and was the Nazis’ infamous term for Jews, Roma, and other peoples they targeted for genocide. As the Tory peer Lord Wolfson noted:

A few generations ago, my family knew what it meant to be treated as “subhuman.” And they also had to wait in long lines. But not for passports.

Maybe something Kelly should think about.

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