
List of James I. O’Neill Scholar Athletes for 2023-24

List of James I. O’Neill Scholar Athletes for 2023-24


The Orange County Interscholastic Athletic Association recently honored its top senior athletes for each high school. Chapel Field Christian School selected Anna Bellocchio and Daniel Read.

Here are their profiles:

Anna Bellocchio

Grade point average: 100.37

Class rank: 1

University sports: Game day and cheerleading competition

Academic Awards/Extracurricular Activities: Valedictorian; National Honor Society; Mock Trial; American Legion Auxiliary Empire Girls State

Sports awards: Four Varsity Letters for Game Day, three for Competitive Cheerleading; Winner of the 2022 State Award for Sportsmanship in Competitive Cheerleading

Community service: Lifeguard; Chemistry lab assistant; English, American history, and world history tutor

Future plans: University of Notre Dame, major in American Studies

Daniel Read

Grade point average: 98.26

Class rank: 3

University sports: Cross-country skiing, alpine skiing, tennis

Academic Awards/Extracurricular Activities: Class President; Vice President of the National Honor Society; Mock Trial Prosecutor; Bass II in the Selective Choir and Men’s Choir; Boys’ State Delegate

Sports awards: Varsity letters in cross-country skiing, alpine skiing and tennis (first doubles); two-time captain of the alpine skiing and tennis teams

Community service: Volunteer ski and tennis instructor; worship team leader and middle school youth group leader for Club Beyond at West Point

Future plans: United States Military Academy at West Point, major in architectural engineering

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