
Lifelong learning opportunities at Rio Verde

Lifelong learning opportunities at Rio Verde

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at ASU will partner with the Rio Verde Community Association (RVCA) and the Rio Verde Community Foundation in 2024-2025 to expand lifelong learning opportunities for residents.

The RVCA and Foundation partnership with ASU OLLI allows residents to purchase a discounted annual membership to ASU OLLI for $40. This membership includes special free classes for Rio Verde residents as well as access to all other OLLI classes and events scheduled for the fall, spring, and summer semesters. The annual membership expires on June 30, 2025.

All annual memberships have access to free Zoom classes each semester. These Zoom classes fill up quickly, so early registration is recommended at Discounted tickets and special offers from OLLI’s Community Partners, intergenerational programs with ASU faculty and ASU students, contribute to academic research projects and educational travel opportunities.

Rio Verde courses planned for fall 2024 include:

*The 19th Amendment: From Suffrage to Success – Instructor: Ken Sorensen, Friday, Oct. 18 – 3-4 p.m. – Via Zoom – Free with OLLI membership.

*Water in Arizona: What’s the Big Deal? – Instructor Jennifer Davidson, Tuesday, Oct. 29: 4:00-5:30 p.m. – Rio Verde Community Center – Free with OLLI membership.

*Embracing AI: Improving Lives and Communities – Instructor Tina Miller, Wednesday, Nov. 20: 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. – Rio Verde Community Center – Free with OLLI membership.

*Climate Change: The Science and the Interpretation – Instructor Ken Sweat, Tuesday, Dec. 3: 4:00-5:30 p.m. – Rio Verde Community Center – Free with OLLI membership.

To sign up for an OLLI annual membership, go to and create an account. After account creation, log in to the account and click on the “Special Rio Verde Registration” link.

On the Rio Verde site, you can pay $40 for the OLLI annual membership.

Registration for the Rio Verde courses and all OLLI courses begins August 26. Register for courses listed for Rio Verde residents only by clicking on the special Rio Verde registration link. Note: Although the Rio Verde courses are free, pre-registration is required. Register for all other OLLI courses at

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at ASU will partner with the Rio Verde Community Association (RVCA) and the Rio Verde Community Foundation in 2024-2025 to expand lifelong learning opportunities for residents.

The RVCA and Foundation partnership with ASU OLLI allows residents to purchase a discounted annual membership to ASU OLLI for $40. This membership includes special free classes for Rio Verde residents as well as access to all other OLLI classes and events scheduled for the fall, spring, and summer semesters. The annual membership expires on June 30, 2025.

All annual memberships have access to free Zoom classes each semester. These Zoom classes fill up quickly, so early registration is recommended at Discounted tickets and special offers from OLLI’s Community Partners, intergenerational programs with ASU faculty and ASU students, contribute to academic research projects and educational travel opportunities.

Rio Verde courses planned for fall 2024 include:

*The 19th Amendment: From Suffrage to Success – Instructor: Ken Sorensen, Friday, Oct. 18 – 3-4 p.m. – Via Zoom – Free with OLLI membership.

*Water in Arizona: What’s the Big Deal? – Instructor Jennifer Davidson, Tuesday, Oct. 29: 4:00-5:30 p.m. – Rio Verde Community Center – Free with OLLI membership.

*Embracing AI: Improving Lives and Communities – Instructor Tina Miller, Wednesday, Nov. 20: 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. – Rio Verde Community Center – Free with OLLI membership.

*Climate Change: The Science and the Interpretation – Lecturer Ken Sweat, Tuesday, December 3: 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. – Rio Verde Community Center – Free with OLLI membership.

To sign up for an OLLI annual membership, go to and create an account. After account creation, log in to the account and click on the “Special Rio Verde Registration” link.

On the Rio Verde site, you can pay $40 for the OLLI annual membership.

Registration for the Rio Verde courses and all OLLI courses begins August 26. Register for courses listed for Rio Verde residents only by clicking on the special Rio Verde registration link. Note: Although the Rio Verde courses are free, pre-registration is required. Register for all other OLLI courses at

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