
Legacy Hero Rankings – Patch 1.0 (August 2024)

Legacy Hero Rankings – Patch 1.0 (August 2024)

I play mostly Bruisers in almost every MOBA I play, including Predecessor, and it just so happens that they are pretty OP at the moment. If you’re wondering what else is meta in the current patch, check out our Predecessor tier list directly below.

Ranking of the predecessor heroes

S-Tier Predecessor Heroes

  • Khaimera — Khaimera is one of the easiest junglers to play and is currently pretty overrun. The purge on E is a get out of jail free card and the 10 second CD jump is just broken. If you want to try jungle, just go with Khaimera.
  • sparrow — On-hit is currently OP, and the high attack speed Sparrow benefits from it hugely. If you’re a carry main and don’t play her or Grim, you’re not going to climb up this patch.
  • Aurora — Aurora has the most broken CC kit in Predecessor right now. The only opponent inferior to her is Grux, who counters her hard both in the jungle and offlane.
  • Zinx — Zinx is one of the most overpowered supports in the game. She can revive and her CC, damage, and buffs are all really good. However, she is not as easy to play as other supports and requires very aggressive positioning in lane.
  • The Fairies — Good Fey players can solo games easily. All of her abilities deal high base damage and her ultimate is broken in teamfights. Don’t play her offlane as you can easily get ambushed.
  • countess — The Countess is my main character and right now she is really strong in the mid. She can also be used in the jungle but only against non-invading junglers.
  • Murdock — Murdock seems beginner-friendly, but constantly controlling his passive is not something the average laner can do. Despite this, he is the second strongest carry in this patch, right behind Sparrow.

Heroes of Level A

  • Grux — Grux is really good for both jungle and offlane. He has very few losing matchups and his kit is easy to learn.
  • Morigesh — Morigesh is extremely easy to play and their damage and utility are just too good. They have stamina on E, slow on Q, and a low CD, high damage RMB.
  • Steel — Steel functions as a support, offlaner, and jungler. He has a lot of CC and a high survivability. Additionally, his Force Shield is one of the best carry countering tools in the game.
  • Greystone — Greystone is the standard champion and one of the easiest champions in the predecessor. He doesn’t lose that much to Grux, making him a solid choice if you don’t know what else to play.
  • Drongo — Drongo is a slightly more balanced version of Sparrow. He is best suited for tank compositions due to his ability to deal damage over time.
  • Shinbi — If you’ve played DotA and are suffering from PTSD from playing against good Phantom Lancers, you’ll love Shinbi. She can win lanes without ever interacting with her lane opponent, and her late-game teamfights are good too.
  • Gideon — Gideon was nerfed, but it wasn’t nearly enough. He still has more range than most other mid picks and his combo is super easy to land.
  • Argus — Argus has received numerous buffs in recent patches and now finally seems playable. He is one of the strongest counters to Morigesh in mid and is also a solid choice as a support.

B-Tier Predecessor Heroes

  • Kira — Hit effects are broken and Kira has exactly that. However, her performance isn’t as good as other carries due to her long cooldowns and over-reliance on basic attacks.
  • Riktor — Riktor counters immobile carries and supports hard. However, well-positioned opponents and tank supports generally counter him.
  • Iggy and Scorch — If you get good at handling Iggy and know how to place towers properly, it’s practically impossible to lose track. He also scales really well. The only problem is that you need quite a bit of practice to get good at handling him.
  • Device — Gadget counters assassins, but loses significantly to mages who have longer range than him. He’s definitely not a hero you can spam in every game.
  • Serath — Serath is very mobile and can deal damage. He is one of the few champions who can beat Grux in the jungle. However, she requires playing defensively and kiting. If you mess that up and give him a head start, you’re doomed.
  • phase — Phase’s ult is just too OP for champions with attack speed. She’s also a real bully in lane. However, Zinx is simply better at the moment.
  • Narbash — Narbash is so beginner-friendly. He has CC, heals, and gives movement speed boosts to his allies, all of which are necessary if you want to protect immobile carries like Sparrow.
  • Decker — Blocking enemies is Dekker’s strength. He can protect the carry with his CC and is also OP at securing objectives. However, he requires a lot of skill.
  • Twin strike — TwinBlast is basically Lucian from LoL. He is very mobile and can deal damage, but opponents can easily punish you if you play wrong. I wouldn’t recommend using him in ranked unless you have at least 100 games against him.
  • Crunch — Crunch can take on Grux in the offlane because he’s just too powerful, but I think his best role right now might be support, especially if you don’t have a frontline.

C-Level Predecessor Heroes

  • Julie — Muriel provides shields and even grants attack speed with her right mouse button, which is basically all the meta carries need. However, other supports currently outperform her.
  • Feng Mao — Feng Mao is best in the jungle rather than the offlane. His mobility allows him to clear faster and is also great for ganks. However, his damage is lackluster.
  • Terra — Terra is basically Olaf from LoL, although she has much less stamina. She can hold her own in the jungle and offlane. However, Grux is just much better at the moment.
  • Kwang — Kwang has received a lot of buffs in recent patches, but is still a niche pick for jungle and offlane. If you can utilize his mobility properly, he can be a pretty solid pick.
  • Zarus — While recent nerfs have hurt him, Zarus is still a solid offlane choice, especially because of his strong early game. You can also play him in the jungle if you prefer.
  • Rampage — Rampage’s abilities limit him to the jungle, and even there he’s not very good. The only thing he can do is tank.
  • Revenant — Revenant has received some buffs and is a viable pick, but he’s really bad compared to Sparrow, Murdock, and Drongo.

D-Tier Predecessor Heroes

  • Sevarog — Sevarog is by far the worst offlaner at the moment. His damage is low and his chances of survival are questionable. Grux is actually the better choice.
  • howitzer — Howitzer is a long-range bully on the midlane and some people even play him in the offlane, but if you know how to properly swap and work around his cooldowns, you can absolutely beat him.
  • Lieutenant Belica — Because Belica’s ultimate relies on opponents lacking mana rather than percentage mana, it’s basically useless until the late game, but if you can reliably scale and get there, it can be a solid choice.
  • Kallari — Kallari can be good, but she requires a lot of skill that the average player simply doesn’t have, which is why her win rate is basically 40% now.
  • spook — Wraith can be A or S tier, but the skill floor for this champion is just too high. You need to hit your snipers, and most people who aren’t experienced in FPS games aren’t capable of doing that.
  • Grim.exe — Grim used to be really good, but the recent nerfs have destroyed him. If someone on your team picks him, avoid them.

Please note that this is a general rankingand considering how new Predecessor is and that most players are still learning the various mechanics, easier champions seem to fare a little better. However, if you’re only going for one trick, you should be fine with even the lowest tier characters.

What role should you mainly play in the predecessor?

Before you can choose a hero from the tier list above as your main hero, you first need to decide what role you want to play in Predecessor. If you take away the third-person perspective, you’ll find that this game is very similar to Dota 2 and LoL. However, this extra layer of gameplay significantly affects the difficulty of each hero, and the same goes for roles, so if you’re not sure which one you should play as your main hero, here’s a quick overview of all of them.


This is the best in LoL terms. You are on an island where you fight the enemy offlaner and possibly jungler/support/midlaner depending on how they move around the map. Heroes for this role are mostly tanks and bruisers, so you are expected to be the frontline/peel of your team.


As a jungler, you’ll spend most of the game clearing camps. However, your help is crucial if you want your teammates to win their lanes, so ganking is also a must. This role requires the most game knowledge, and most of the top champions on the ladder are difficult to play, so if you’re just starting out with Predecessor, this might not be the best choice.

Middle lane

Midlaners have similar responsibilities to junglers, namely ganking, rotation, etc. However, they also have to worry about winning their own lane. This is the role that probably gets the most action in the game and has the largest hero pool. Plus, this kind of intensity is very good if you want to learn the game quickly.


You’ll find that most of the best heroes on the tier list are carries, and that’s because this is the lowest skill role in the predecessor. Your main focus is to farm and scale as much gold as possible in the early game. In teamfights, you’re your team’s main damage dealer, and staying out of enemy range is crucial if you want to keep up your DPS.


Support also has a low skill floor but a very high ceiling. It is one of the most gapped roles along with jungle and that is mainly due to the player’s macro. If you want to play this role effectively, you need to support everyone on your team, not just the carry.

That was our ranking of the previous ones. If you’re wondering what the best characters are in other video games, check out the rest of the articles we have on Twinfinite. We even have rankings for mobile gachas like Solo Leveling Arise and Monster Never Cry.

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