
Labor Day is coming

Labor Day is coming

“Life in the Ville” by Jimmy Del Ponte

Here we are, looking ahead to Labor Day weekend. We used to drive to our RV in New Hampshire for the weekend. We also rented a room at Old Orchard Beach, which was a lot of fun. We did that for years. The kids were no longer able to cope with being with their parents all the time.

There were back-to-school commercials on TV. As a kid, I always hated this time of year because it meant summer would soon be over. It’s funny how those back-to-school commercials still make me nervous.

I remember one Labor Day weekend in particular. We were all excited because the new school year was about to begin. We were ready for a thrill.

I wasn’t allowed to ride my new bike off the road. I was 12, but Dad was strict. My friends and I decided to break Dad’s rules and rode to Western Junior High School on Holland Street. It was pretty daring of me to disobey my dad’s orders, and I was very nervous. I kept looking back and flinching when I heard a horn.

From Holland Street you can see the Prudential Building in the distance.

We decided to bike to the Prudential. Mind you, I wasn’t allowed to leave my street, let alone bike into Boston. There were four of us that day and it was quite dangerous as we got onto some major roads. I can’t remember the exact route we took, but there was a lot of traffic.

I still remember the excitement when we finally arrived at our destination. Since there was no landmark to show us the way home, I think we stayed on Mass Ave.

All the way to Boston and back, even though I wasn’t supposed to leave our street. If my dad had known, he would have used a hacksaw on the bike. It was very nerve-racking riding all that way, especially when I heard a horn.

I am sure that this Labor Day will not be as exciting as that weekend almost 60 years ago when we were young and fearless.

There are no big plans yet for this Labor Day weekend.

Whatever you do, have fun. I know burgers and hot dogs will be on the menu.

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