
“La vela mi ha rovinato la vita…W la vela!” Company to the YouTuber Emalloru

“La vela mi ha rovinato la vita…W la vela!” Company to the YouTuber Emalloru

“La vela mi ha rovinato la vita…W la vela!” Company to the YouTuber Emalloru
Pampero II – The second Barca of Emalloru

On April 27, 2024, participation in the Vela Cup di Chiavari ended (after leaving to have fun), before starting my journey, avoiding the imminent journey by road to Marina di Chiavari Calata Ovest to arrive at the Chiavari station. In the region where I go to Milan, I immediately buy a 1st class ticket (more than 3.40 euros per person with the guarantee of being sent to Milan before I return half a year), penalizing the destination. My Sono posizionato in banchina in corrispondenza della end del treno, the carrozze di 1ª Classe sono in testa: I only go to the end of the train with the Bagagli in Hando.

I finally arrive at my mail without it being difficult and I arrive with the destination to a nice surprise. In my fiancé’s mail I bought an article with the cuffs and a MacBook when I was editing a video. For me it was not the case because I thought a second time – and Emalloru, the YouTuber who voted the most in 2023!

“Hello Ema, I’m Federico, from the Sailing Journal. Do you remember?” I pulled my eyes to see him in the train buoy “FEDE! I’m sure I remember! Are you coming?” After a pleasant chat where I heard the story of the race, I concluded and updated my plans. Although Ema hadn’t thought of joining our side, I wanted to set off to cross the Atlantic Ocean. “But it’s all a fede casino… because when I bought my first Barca to go on a passionate journey, my captain I thought was true… ” And I ended my probation and sent it to the source of Ema who I set out to invite you to this test in editorial office.

Federico Rossi

One of the greatest things to come out of my belief is that Barca owns a symbol of freedom. It is the most frustrating and exonerating form of autoimposta privilege.

Ho messo pied per la prima volta nella my vita su una barca a Vela appena 2 anni fa.
I was invited to a picture crossed by my friendship through Puglia/Greece. Francesco Sena sulla sua Peperita, a Comet 11 originally converted to astronomy to obtain high quality electronic quantum parts with my sponsor, thank you very much.
It was a mediocre navigation, however I did not exaggerate and paid 3 kn per week per trip and the engine cost 5.5 kn for a 30 minute trip.
I didn’t see my whole life being a star as I set out, bioluminescence glowing on the scafo and dolphins searching for it.
I let the brain explode.
Arriving at the matino to the destination in Sweden in the cabin where you check your daughter, Peperita sbattendo da una parte all’altra delle paratie internal. I’m sure I don’t know if it is possible to take the risk, Francesco recommended him to improve the pace, which obviously was not the case.

They said that I had to find a boat for me. During my difficult navigation through Gallipoli-Sivota I had lost everything, in my testing period everything was perfect: I was looking for the world I wanted.

Since I started with €10,000 in a budget bag, I made a journey with precision and a lot of improvisation, which I inevitably brought together in one of my first business ventures: my first Natante Pampero.
A Rax Cantieri Soxisix 32 Piedi Fermo Sull’invaso since this year, with an important problem of infiltration of the water of Sail Drive, is distracted from the search for considerate cardboard, and the Sartiame, affected with the time it has reached avuto a magiore load of rotura. Perfect era.

Having no idea what I had in mind, it was a series of nozioni that came together based on my next Ormeggio vicini in Marina di Ragusa. Start from the entrance to the marina and use it almost alone to travel under the coast and make your way. At the most likely times of my life, with a huge hill and a small investment of less than a cent of Euro, I gifted a Pampero bottle (rum) and bought the Loro, which made the app complete.
Alla fine sono un bravo ragazzo. And I had no idea that Pampero doesn’t need rum, but a Freddo, which is located on the South American coast.

At that point I started navigating without any intention of further deepening my work as a filmmaker on board. Realized because he published a much criticized video entitled “My disastrous adventure in Barca a Vela” published on YouTube.
A narrative of my first trip to Sicily was led by the Barca Fosse to a circumnavigation to Sicily, with the equipment sought during the tragedy and an epilogon, plunged into the depths but unable to catch Timone and Ancoraggio, to train in an extreme way from a fight against peschereccio.
What a story it has become, millions of visualizations have appeared, the public era completely spaced out in a reasonable amount of time. To spend a holiday we must complete the spirit of the sail.
I started writing a big video of Velisti, writing, consulting and inviting on board on the Loro Barche. Qualcun further Minacciarmi di prendermi a sberle, ma va bene. I found myself in an intense tour de force that I had measured in the conditions of sea travel 3000 miles ago, a year later when I was alone in the Pieno Inverno, choosing and choosing different marine species and hurling them in gentle seas and bringing them to the same land. in spudorati farabutti.
My navigation ended in Senigallia, at the port of Pampero to Marco, a friendly builder of 70 years, original manufacturer, completed and assembled in 1980, compared to the best condition of Pampero. I had no modesty in setting off without a navigation and something else and he responded to my original splendor because I knew what I wanted.

Vendetti Pampero could already settle for some time with the head we were on, the navigation and the adventure in the sea were inevitable because I had to accompany them for the rest of my life. I made my trip all over Italy from a Barca vintage in Ferro Oceanica, Robusta and Cui Poter Navigare, Magari, the World.

Ema and Lore on board Pampero II
Ema and Lore on board Pampero II

We start with problems (from what I know) with the 50 pieces in Acciaio, Chiglia Lunga, a one-off cost for SudAfricana, ribattezzata in ore del mio primo meraviglioso sbaglio: Pampero II.

Because of his obvious credibility, the Saper made a purchase contract for a 21-year-old construction site. Without hesitation, without navigational security, only 15 minutes on the bike to make sure that the bike was on board in the meantime. So it’s good that I decided to compete 32 years ago, which was above all impulsive, passionate and committed, without thinking about it. It’s sure that you don’t have a good partner in the business relationship, that’s nice.

Pampero II took me to the other side of the city where I was: an economic multiplier and a source of frustration at work.
The volunteers that this Barca does not need are easier to use than the only one that must be found (on the ceiling) in the ideal case: the scafo. 6 mm media feed in a capillary tube that lies on the live stage. I did everything on the Black Casino and my time was great. Even less than the sensation.
My first year before navigation and the second year before the end of the voyage followed a letter, quite the opposite, I set out on the way until I got involved in the invasion so that many more people are on the way to fight with the goal.

Navigation was also a disaster.

At that point, I had the situation in hand and decided not to engage other professionals because it was not essential to the work and I had no tools at my disposal. Unless you voluntarily decide to commit to the ultimate economic boom, there is a great need to achieve all the perfection only at the height of your strength. At the brotherly pace I found myself and in the next period, all the others met and united in my ambitious project. I had a bleak future to avoid reading history right outside the door: I cross the Atlantic Ocean, and I hear the last time I set out on the first evening as I navigate at first sight.

To understand the saying that is to save an elephant until the end of its life, I cannot say that this will be the case.

I have spent the last 6 months booking a cantiere that would guarantee me the ability to navigate on the ocean of this place, the risk is that a man lost the water to leave the land, an engine that uses a lot of oil because it does not track down the lost Provence and a new electronic equipment that comes to mind when I have installed it to salt everything from the electric quadro.

Ema e Lore – L'equipaggio (per ora) di Pampero II
Ema e Lore – L’equipaggio (per ora) di Pampero II

And I had an economic course when I received the order from the Stessa Barca to acquire it and I concluded it in the middle of a bay of Siracusa where the engine definitely belonged to a better life because the professional had to help him get the engine he was looking for in reasonable conditions, it is not necessary for the distribution to be commissioned with Troppi Acciacchi Distrarsi capita.

In the next moments, when I and my companion from Lorenzo Viaggio, stayed 10 days ago, and with the last ten years that I have been involved with “motor usato”, I thought that following this whole story of freedom in Barca Vela has only a great narrative that emerges from cinema and literature.
This seems to be the most frustrating and relieving form of the auto-imposure principle.
And that is exactly what I have discovered from the belief that I am compelled to commit myself, I have achieved to the end of the freedom that exists.

I am thinking that the alternative monitoring and the only one installed on this site are just a few steps away.

Emanuele Malloru

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