
Kim Karr talks about social media for good

Kim Karr talks about social media for good

In this episode, I chat with Kim Karr of #ICANHELP and Digital4Good. The conversation comes a day after negative social media comments surfaced on’ social media pages.

As we talk about her work with youth, we touch on various topics around social media: People who produce content just for clicks and are addicted to stirring up emotions. How to combat that. Strategies to identify pots, trolls, and suspense seekers. Possible laws that might be a good idea, or just improving accountability for online uses that have led to suicide and the destruction of lives. She also recommends changing how and why you use social media – look for gold nuggets, not negativity. She also talks about the role of parenting and accountability.

Note that during the episode, Karr reads the book “The fearful generation” from Jonathan Haidt

At Digital4Good, we believe that digital citizenship has the power to create a safer online world. Digital4Good was founded in response to an online attack on a teacher and evolved into a way to fight back against digital negativity.

Note that during the episode, Karr reads the book “The Anxious Generation” by Jonathan Haidt

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