
Kennedy resigns as SFWA president – ​​Locus Online

Kennedy resigns as SFWA president – ​​Locus Online

Jeffe Kennedy sent the following message to members of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association:

Dear SFWA members, friends and everyone in the larger SFF and cross-genre community,

I am writing to you today to announce my resignation as President of SFWA. I have served in this role for over three years and on the Board of Directors for over seven years. It has been a privilege and an honor to serve this organization.

However, the last few months have been particularly trying in my personal life and I have come to the realization that I can no longer give SFWA the attention it demands from its President. Without going into too much detail, I continue to be the sole caregiver and financial support for my disabled husband, whose condition continues to deteriorate. In addition, my stepfather of twenty years has died suddenly and my elderly mother is now a widow for the third time and I am about to take over all of her finances and care. These family responsibilities will require far more attention than I could have anticipated when I accepted the nomination for a second term as SFWA President.

My legal and financial responsibilities to SFWA – and my personal integrity – preclude me from commenting on matters related to the administration and operation of SFWA. Throughout my term, I have done my best to serve the organization and all of its members with sincerity and respect, and to perform all of the duties for which I was elected. Now it is time for me to step down.

I believe strongly in the mission of SFWA and urge anyone who has doubts about their position or service to stay. SFWA plays an important role in the professional lives of SFF writers and we are only as strong as the people who are committed to furthering SFWA’s mission.

Thank you all for this opportunity to serve SFWA and the greater SFF and cross-genre writers community. I have truly enjoyed working with all of these wonderful writers and am proud of all we have accomplished during my tenure on the Board and as President. I am confident that SFWA will continue to support its members and I wish the Board, the incoming President, and all of the staff the best in the future.

This resignation is my last official act as President.


Jeff kennedy

Kennedy’s term as president began in July 2021. The current vice president is Chelsea Mueller. For more information about the organization, visit the SFWA website.

Locus magazine, science fiction fantasy

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