
Kelly Ziter looks back on six years full of challenges and rewards in foster care

Kelly Ziter looks back on six years full of challenges and rewards in foster care

Since the change in leadership at the Idaho Department of Health and Human Services, some foster parents who previously disagreed with the system are now supporting it. Foster parent Kelly Ziter says that despite the difficulties she faced as a foster parent, her support has never waned.

Ziter said that when she saw the great need for foster care as a child, she knew she wanted to help one day, and as soon as she was able to help, she became a foster parent.

The past six years as a foster parent haven’t always been easy. Learning her role as a foster parent, providing care during the pandemic and witnessing the changes in the system have been difficult, but she says helping children is worth it.

Ziter said, “It’s so traumatic for them and just being able to provide them with that soft, safe place to land like I do. It fills my heart to see them open up to me and come out of their shells and just know that I’m helping them through this very traumatic time.”

She said some of the difficulties were due to IDHW staff being overworked and getting used to the system, but communication with caseworkers made it easier.

She said that as a first-time foster parent, it wasn’t always easy for her to realize how important communication is when it comes to seemingly simple things like haircuts or doctor’s visits.

Ziter said it took some time for her to learn those boundaries and remember that even though she cared for them, she couldn’t make those decisions.

Ziter said: “Things have obviously gotten better now through trial and error. Navigating takes practice. It was just hard to remember all these things.”

She said that while there are difficult aspects of being a foster parent, such as learning how the system works and even having to send a child home when you don’t think they’re ready, the impact you can have on children’s lives is what keeps her going.

For those interested in the foster care system but unable to become a foster parent, there are other ways to help. Click HERE to learn more about short-term and emergency placements.

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