
Kamala Harris’s “joy to the world” gimmick is over. Now it’s time for the traditional media to do serious journalism

Kamala Harris’s “joy to the world” gimmick is over. Now it’s time for the traditional media to do serious journalism

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It is obvious that after former President Donald Trump was nearly assassinated and President Joe Biden was successfully ousted from the race, Democratic brass have decided to downplay their incessant talk of a “threat to democracy” and switch to talk of “Joyful Warriors.” The volume on this theme was dramatically increased for the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

“Joy” is a better word – even if the Biden-Harris team has not exactly given us a reason to be happy about the state of the country, where everything is getting more expensive and a massive influx of illegal immigrants is flooding our spending systems.

But shouldn’t this election be about governing, not just “tone”? Shouldn’t our media force some details? Watching the morning shows on the networks every day during the convention, one feels overwhelmed by superficial “joy” talk, “dance party” talk, and celebrity hype.

Harris and Walz had a successful congress, but did not achieve a decisive goal

The Harris campaign’s aversion to policy specifics fits perfectly with today’s television news, which avoids political substance whenever possible. It’s not in their interest to focus on Team Biden’s performance, which is why it’s bizarre that they’re attacking Donald Trump for focusing on “personal attacks” instead of policy talk.

The public should be cynical about this “happy warrior” coverage because it underscores how news channels use the “news” to make it sound more like positive advertising.

As Trump aptly exclaimed at a campaign rally in North Carolina: “You always say, ‘Sir, please stick to politics, don’t get personal,’ and yet these people (the Democrats) get personal all night long. Do I still have to stick to politics?”

In his speeches, Trump vehemently attacks the policies of Biden and Harris, but highlights the personal attacks as the only “news” worth mentioning.

Study: Kamala Harris has received overwhelmingly positive media coverage since her nomination

The reaction from some left-wing media outlets is emotional. They hate personal attacks on Democrats and love to label attacks on Harris as racist and sexist. Calling Kamala a fool is guilty of double insult. But they rejoice when people like Michelle Obama slam Trump and his “ugly, misogynistic, racist lies” about Kamala Harris. And then there’s former President Barack Obama. As TMZ described it, Obama “also poked fun at Trump’s obsession with crowd size this week at the DNC — even making a dirty joke by spreading his hands to mirror the length of a penis.” These speeches are bizarrely interpreted as “joyful” warfare.

The public should be cynical about this coverage of the “cheerful warrior” because it underscores how the news networks use the “news” to make it sound more like positive advertising. Since Biden was forced to resign, a Media Research Center study of ABC, CBS and NBC evening news programs found that their coverage of Harris was 84% ​​positive, while Trump’s coverage was 89% negative.


Let us underscore this finding: Coverage of Trump remained hypernegative even in the weeks after he was shot in the ear and narrowly escaped a fatal shot to the head.

“News” people should clear their throats and get into details. Older voters can remember when the TV news had issue-based stories that addressed social and economic problems. ABC News had an “American Agenda” series that thrived on pushing liberal “solutions” through government action. It was biased, but still factual. A “news” person might feel better about “Breakfast for your Head” or whatever slogan you prefer.

But focus groups tell TV consultants that this is not what viewers want to see. They live in fear that people will turn off the news and watch game shows instead. So they broadcast “News Light” and emphasize the personal insults, which only reinforces the public’s cynicism about the way politics is played.


The organizers of the Democratic National Convention have actually reduced their scope for news networks to give more room to openly left-wing young “influencers,” which must have the “news” people gnashing their teeth. They should get to work and do their job.

Treat voters like serious citizens who are not influenced by which party has the better dance moves.


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