
Jayson Woodbridge of Hundred Acre buys his neighbor Kelly Fleming’s winery in Napa

Jayson Woodbridge of Hundred Acre buys his neighbor Kelly Fleming’s winery in Napa

300-acre estates are hard to find in Napa Valley, so when one comes on the market, you might think the search for a new manager would come down to the highest bidder. But when Kelly Fleming decided to sell her estate and winery, she chose the neighbor who was willing to keep it in one piece. Fleming announced on August 16 that she had reached an agreement with Jayson Woodbridge, the owner of Hundred Acre Wines.

“With Jayson, the legacy remains in one piece,” said Fleming Wine spectatorand noted that this was an essential part of the agreement. “The tiny footprint that was so important to me could disappear if I had sold the house and the winery separately. This way the property remains more peaceful and natural.”

The deal includes a massive 286-acre estate, of which only 12 acres are planted with vines (mostly Cabernet Sauvignon), as well as a 5,000-square-foot winery with aging cellars and a separate residence. Fleming will retain the brand and its inventory, with the exception of the 2022 and 2023 vintages in barrels. Total annual production is 1,000 cases. The purchase price was not disclosed.

Woodbridge expands

“I’ve been eyeing the Fleming Vineyard for a long time. I always thought it would be a perfect fit for Hundred Acre,” Woodbridge said.

Fleming’s property strategically borders Woodbridge’s Hundred Acre “Few and Far Between” estate, which includes five acres of vines on a total of 115 acres. In total, Woodbridge now owns approximately 400 contiguous acres.

The former Fleming vines will be integrated into Hundred Acre’s wine program, and Woodbridge says the property and cave are a bonus. “Kelly’s caves will give Hundred Acre more space for fermentation as we grow. The acquisition also allows us to host guests on a limited basis, something we are unable to do at ‘Few and Far Between,'” he said.

Woodbridge has been actively pursuing opportunities in the valley in recent years. In July, he acquired Madrigal Winery in Calistoga, including eight acres of vines; in 2022, he acquired an 18-acre vineyard along Larkmead Lane. Two years earlier, he also purchased the David Fulton Ranch in St. Helena, which has become the home base of his new label, Fortunate Son.

    Jayson Woodbridge of Hundred Acre holds some of his wine bottles.

Jayson Woodbridge has expanded his sphere of influence in Napa, even as he battles the county over some of its regulations. (Photo by Hardy Wilson/Hundred Acre Wine Group)

Fleming: Napa Valley has become too demanding

Fleming, who founded the winery in 1998, said her decision to sell was partly politically motivated. “After 26 years, I was frankly exhausted from battling with Napa County and its regulations, from the long-term impact of the Glass Fire on the property and also from the climate in the valley in general, where there was no support for small family wineries,” she said.

Both Fleming’s and Woodbridge’s properties suffered significant damage in the 2020 wildfires. Woodbridge is currently in a legal battle with the county over the best use of its land.

Although the brand will continue and Fleming will distribute current and archival wines, she does not plan to continue living in Napa, but will split her time between Texas and California. “I will look for special vineyards to continue making Cabernet,” she said.

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